

In April 2000 by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 05-8 1592 as of 07.02., Order of MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 60 as of 19.04.2000 "On establishment of colleges in KazGASA") three colleges were opened at KazGASA: College of Architecture and Design (CAD), Director  Sadvakasova G.K., Construction and environmental College (CEC), Director  Shinibaev A.D., and the College of Economics (EC), Director  Karamaldaeva J.K., Order № 30 as of 18.10.2001, in order to optimize the organizational structure of the Academy and to ensure coordinated work of equally functional school organizational structures, three colleges converted into a complex of colleges KazGASA, Director -Shinibaev A.D.

From July 10, 2002 educational activities of KazGASA College are conducted on the basis of State License of Series AA number 0000025, Application to the License issued by Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering JSC for implementation of educational and professional programs of secondary vocational education in 11 specialties of secondary vocational education.

Prior to 2005 enrollment to college was performed on the basis of general secondary education, i.e. after the 11th grade.

Since 2005 accepting of contingent basis of general education started after grade 9.

Since 2007 the College held an educational activity of the two colleges: College of Architecture and the College of Civil Engineering and Design (Director of College Complex Abetov M.A., Director of the College of Architecture G. Novikova, director of the College of construction and design Sadykanova S.H.).

In the academic year 2009-2010 the title "KazGASA Colleges Complex" was eliminated, educational activity was carried out in two independent colleges: College of Architecture (Director Novikova G.A.) and the College of Construction and Design (Director - Sadykanova S.H.), Pedagogical Council and the Methodological Council were united.

In academic year 2010-2011 two colleges were merged into one college - college at KazGASA (Director Novikova G.A.).

Activities of Pedagogical Council of College is carried out on work plan approved by the curator of the College, the first pro-rector of KazGASA Auesbaev E.T., meetings are held in accordance with the work plan, records are kept.

Mandatory parent meetings at the College are held twice a year - in September (for parents of 1 course – introduction with learning conditions for parents, the requirements of TAC, tuition, etc.). The second meeting is conducted before and after the examinations by curators.

For 2017 – 2018 academic year the college at KAZGASA for the first time received 150 places of state educational grants, for 2018 – 2019 academic year they were increased by 25 places, that is 175 state educational grants.

Today the number of students of college at KAZGASA is – 1090 students.


On specialties











On February 8, 2013, college at Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering passed the State certification. The college received an electronic state license and an application to the state license (KZ39LAA00017153) in the following specialties:

- 1418000 Architecture: Full-time education

- 1418023 Technician - designer

- 0402000 Design (by profile):  Full-time education

- 0402013 Designer

- 1401000 Construction and operation of buildings and structures: full-time and part-time education.

- 1401213 Construction technician


On November 22, 2019, college at Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering passed the State certification. The college received an electronic state license and an application to the state license in the following specialties:


- 0713000 Surveying and cartography: full-time education

- 0713013 Technician - Surveyor

- 0402000 Design (by profile): full-time education

- 0402022 Artist of design work