Forty years ago, was founded the legendary AAACE - KazGASA, the alma mater of thousands of professionals successfully working throughout Kazakhstan and beyond. AAACE-KazGASA is deservedly proud of its graduates, as well as the fact that we still have teachers who make up the Golden Fund” of the University, which transfer their knowledge and experience to students. Realizing the policy of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokaev in the area development of education, KazGASA carries out focused work among enterprises, organizations, funds for attracting sponsor educational grants for applicants from low-income families who scored high points on UNT or comprehensive testing, but did not pass the competition for state grants.
This solves not only important social issues of our society, but also provides a close connection between production and education, targeted training and distribution of specialists taking into account the requirements of construction organizations. The University plans to celebrate its anniversary with the construction of continuous auditoriums, the reconstruction of the existing building.
We invite you to take part in the anniversary events of AAACE-KazGASA, support our endeavors and provide sponsorship in their implementation! We hope in your person to purchase permanent partner of the academy for joint solution of urgent problems architectural and construction education and production.
Our details:
LLP "International Educational Corporation"
050043, Almaty, 28 Ryskulbekov st.
BIN 090 540 001 011
IIC KZ 068560000000383423
To the ACB Bank Centre Credit JSC
Beneficiary Code 17
Purpose of payment: sponsorship