Mission and history


MISSION OF KazGASA is to provide the preparation of highly-qualified specialists, to give the opportunity to students to get education of all levels, to prepare highly intellectual broad-minded personalities who are able to to find their places in the society and in rapidly changing world.  KazGASA is aimingto give to its students not only good knowledge, but also to grow feelings of civil responsibility, patriotism and internationalism.

One of the targets of educational policy of the Academy is growing up in students  understanding of principles of social and natural development, establishment of personal characteristics such as honesty, decency, and respect to seniors, goodwill and sociability.   This is supported by as well as educational programs and also by students organizations, clubs and centers also involving students in extracurricular, scientific, social, cultural and sport activity.

KazGASA aims to unify educational programs in accordance with approved standards of the leading universities in countries near and far abroad. Credit system of education has been implemented and it allows students to integrate into the world of education space and to continue education abroad, it helps to accredit diploma of graduates all over the world. In the same direction KazGASA actively develops its international relationships.

History of KazGASA

The university has been leading its history since 1957, when the first group of students in the specialty “Industrial and Civil Engineering” was admitted to the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. Also recruitment for the specialty “Architecture” was carried out and the corresponding faculties were formed: construction, architectural and sanitary-technical in 1961. And on the basis of these faculties and the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Engineering and Construction Institute in 1980 was opened the Alma-Ata Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (AACE).

The first AACE rector was appointed an experienced organizer, a large industrialist, builder, Doctor of Technical Sciences S.M. Baybolov.

Then P.A. Atrushkevich became the rector of AACE in 1987. Under his leadership, the institute in 1991 was the first among the universities of Kazakhstan to be certified and accredited. AASI was renamed to the Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KazGASA) in 1992.

Amirlan Aidarbekovich Kussainov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, has been appointed the rector of KazGASA since January 2000. The Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering was renamed to the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KazGASA) in 2001. 

Under his leadership, KazGASA is today the leading university of Kazakhstan, one of the first to complete all stages of the introduction of a credit training system. For the first time among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have been created the Board of Trustees, the Board of Customers and expert commissions on specialties, the Laboratory of Education, the Association of graduates of architectural and construction specialties (AGACS), etc. 

AACE-KazGASA is the first and only specialized institution of higher education in the field of architecture and construction in the Republic of Kazakhstan and, up to date, as a basic methodological center, has a huge impact on the development of educational programs in Kazakhstan.

Today KazGASA is a dynamically developing flagship of architectural education in Kazakhstan. We are the first and only university that in 2007 passed international accreditation in the specialty “Architecture” at UNESCO-ISA. Since 2009, KazGASA chairmanship regularly hosts the International Festivals of Architectural and Construction Schools of Eurasia.

KazGASA is a multidisciplinary and multi-level education system: lyceum - college - university - institute of continuing education. The Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering is a large basic educational institution in the field of architecture and construction of Kazakhstan, a recognized scientific and educational center in the Central Asian region.

We celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Design in 2017. In 2018, on the basis of KazGASA, an anniversary meeting of the Training and Methodological Association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (TMA REMC MES of RK) on the specialties of architectural and construction and design profiles was held - 30 years in the USSR and 25 years in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The anniversary of AACE-KazGASA is 40 years in 2020.