Republican graduation review contest


about the Republican review competition of graduation theses

in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the direction of training "Architecture and Construction"

1. General Provisions

The review competition of graduation qualification works (hereinafter the competition) is held among university graduates who graduated in the current year. The aim of the competition is to improve the quality of training of specialists, the development of creative abilities of students, as well as the improvement of educational and independent work in conjunction with general educational and scientific-methodological events.

The competition has the status of the Republican and is held annually in the fall semester at the Kazakh Head Architectural Building Academy (KazGASA). The official languages ​​of the competition are Kazakh, Russian and English.

1. The working bodies of the competition

1.1 Organizing Committee

The chairman of the organizing committee is the rector of KazGASA, the deputy is the EMA executive secretary, the members are the deans, academic and associate professors of the faculties: Architecture, Design, General Construction, Building Technologies, Infrastructure and management.

In addition, the organizing committee may include representatives of public organizations and the

Committee of student youth. The organizing committee develops events for the competition of graduate qualification works, determines the timing, develops a program and forms the remaining working bodies of the competition.

Immediately before the competition and during its work, the organizing committee takes measures to ensure accommodation and meals for the participants of the competition, to prepare a disposition room, supply technical equipment and consumables, maintain and repair them, comply with the competition procedure, preserve exhibits, and raise extrabudgetary funds to finance competition events.

1.2 Registration Commission

The registration commission is created from the members of the organizing committee. Its functions include:

 2.2.1. Registration of participants in the competition, verification of documents with application data, issuance of documents for accommodation and foods of participants, as well as competition programs, marking of travel certificates with the provision, if it’s necessary, assistance with the visa regime.

 2.2.2 Verification of compliance with the terms of the competition to these Regulations.

2.2.3 Putting down the marks received by each work, and their entering in the protocol.

 Decisions of the registration commission are recorded and included in the tender report of contest.

1.3 Jury

To assess graduation work in creative specialties, a public reference is created, which includes reputable experts from creative unions and architectural-design companies, leading practitioners.

Qualification works of graduates of engineering specialties is evaluated by a competitive commission, which includes leading experts and heads of enterprises and firms, the main employers providing jobs for graduates.

In addition, representatives of the participating universities and KazGASA are part of the public reference and the competition committee.

The jury functions include:

 - coordination of work on the conduct of the competition;

 - verification and evaluation of participants' work;

 - preparation of the final document on the results of the review competition;

 - The solution of other issues on holding a review competition and summing up its results.

The decisions of the jury are recorded and signed by the members of the jury and the chairmen.

1.4 Appeal Commission

The appeal commission is headed by one of the most qualified and respected experts of KazGASA. The appeal commission also includes representatives of public reference and the competition committee and one of the representatives of the participating university (by decision of the organizing committee).

The functions of the appeal commission include:

- Consideration of appeals submitted by contestants.

- Making changes or saving estimates of re-reviewed work.

The commission has the right to increase, leave unchanged or lower the assessment of the work on which the appeal has been filed.

The work of the commission is recorded and signed by members of the appeal commission and its chairman.

1. The procedure for organizing and conducting the competition

1.1 Application processing and registration

Deadline for submitting applications for participation in the review-competition of diploma projects is two weeks before the review-competition.

To ensure the sufficiency of participants in each nomination, consider that the competition for this nomination took place subject to participation in the competition of at least two universities and the number of works - at least 5.

. Participating universities send KazGASA applications for participation in the competition, where they indicate full name of student, the theme of graduation work. The application also indicates the full name, academic degree, title and position of the head of the final qualification work and full name, academic degree, title and position of the teacher accompanying the work for the competition (Appendices 1 and 2).

To comply with the standards for the number of projects submitted to the competition (1 job from 15 graduates), Universities provide a certified certificate of student enrollme and the number of graduates of the last year for each specialty (specialization), and information on the duration of training (copy of approved WLPs).

The exposition part of the diploma projects of the specialities “Architecture” and “Design” is presented on a 80 x 60 cm tablet (including annotations in Russian and English), an explanatory note is presented for engineering specialties.

The graphic part of diploma projects in engineering specialities is presented in A3 and A4 format, in addition, a CD-ROM with recording of graphic materials of the submitted works (in JPG or TIF formats) and a single list of these works in the MicrosoftWord text editor in DOC format is presented.

To participate in the competition are allowed works designed in accordance with the approved requirements in Russian / Kazakh and English. Translation should be based on approved specialized terminology dictionaries.

If the registration commission finds inconsistencies between the application and the documents of the competitor, the latter are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Upon arrival at KazGASA, the participants are noted in the registration commission, hand over travel certificates for marking, if it’s necessary, solve the visa regime issues, receive documents for accommodation, foods and the competition program. Then, with the help of KazGASA employees, they place their exposition in a designated place.

1.2 Discussion of criteria-based evaluations

After registration and posting at meetings of the public referendum and the competitive commission, criteria-based evaluations of graduation theses are discussed.

1.2 Contest

Evaluation of works is carried out on the second day of the competition by decisions of the public referendum and the competition commission, which evaluate the submitted work in points.

Graduation projects submitted to the competition remain posted in their exposition until the final results of the competition are announced and its results are announced.

Decisions are recorded and entered into the minutes of the jury meeting.

If necessary, the chairmen of the public referendum and the competition committee accept applications to the appeals committee.

* Graduation projects of debtor universities to pay EMA membership fees are allowed to participate in the competition only for familiarization as poster presentations.

2. The procedure for summing up the results of the competition

      Prizes are distributed in nominations (Appendix 3), the number of prizes depends on the number of participants in each nomination: I place - 7%; II place - 14%; III place - 21%.

 At the final meeting, the results of the competition are considered, messages and opinions on the organization of the competition are heard, recommendations are made on improving the organization of the competition.

The results of the competition are summed up by the chairman of the organizing committee. Students who won prizes in the respective nominations in a festive atmosphere are awarded the titles of laureates of the competition and awarded with diplomas.

2. Material support of the competition

Funding for the preparation and conduct of a review competition of graduate qualification works is carried out at the expense of KazGASA, trustees of educational institutions, membership fees of universities, members of EMA, contributions of sponsors, as well as individuals.

Payment of travel expenses of authors of competitive works and accompanying teachers is made by participating universities.

The cost estimate for the competition is developed by the organizing committee and approved by the chairman of the organizing committee.

Appendix 1 - Application for participation in the competition

Appendix 2 - Information about the author, project and supervisor of the diploma project

Appendix 3 - List of nominations for the review competition of final qualifying works