The history of the «Construction and Architecture» Publishing House is closely connected with the history of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering and dates back to 1991. During this period of time, our Publishing House provides technical universities of the country with books, educational and methodical, scientific materials.
At the moment, the Publishing House «Construction and Architecture» is one of the largest university publishing houses in our republic, which publishes scientific, educational and methodological literature on the main branches of knowledge: civil engineering, architecture and design, engineering systems, ecology, economics, natural and humanitarian cycles.
The publishing house provides the following services:
- editing texts in Kazakh and Russian;
- layout of the book;
- book design;
- publishing package – UDC, LBC, ISBN;
- prepress;
- printing of books;
- soft binding (thermal binding).
The range of printed products is the most diverse:
- textbooks;
- teaching aids;
- monographs;
- collections of conference materials;
- biobibliographic indexes;
- regulatory literature;
- The scientific journal «Bulletin of KazGASA»;
- Scientific journal «Transactions of Kazakh-American University»;
- brochures;
- abstracts of dissertations;
- advertising booklets, flyers and other.
The publishing house is responsible for the quality of products. We are always improving and striving to ensure that the products meet high requirements!
For further information such as to consult an expert or to find out about the publication tariffs call:
8 (727) 220-81-04; 8 701 0265368 Director of the Publishing House,
8 707 882 9474 editor
- Correction of various materials in the state and Russian languages;
- Editing texts in the state and Russian languages;
- Making changes to the texts;
- Computer layout of materials;
- Printing of color products with various print runs of A5, A4, A3, A2, A1 formats;
- Printing black-and-white products on risograph (RISO) and copiers A5, A4, A3;
- Press on plotter of format А2, А1; posters, degree projects;
- Copy;
- Scan;
- Lamination;
- Performance of various types of binding:
- Soft;
- Hard;
- Archival;
- Thermal binding;
- Sewing on the bracket (brochures);
- Other.
- «Herald of KazGASA», «Transactions of Kazakh-American University» scientific journals;
- Monographs;
- Conference proceedings;
- Abstracts of dissertations;
- Educational and methodical editions;
- Textbooks for universities;
- Manuals;
- Reference books;
- Catalogs;
- Regulations;
- Methodical instructions;
- Active Distributing Materials (ADM);
- Workbook;
- Author's books;
- Biobibliographic handbooks;
- Anniversary books;
- Booklets;
- Business cards;
- Invitations;
- Congratulatory;
- Other.
Our possibilities in making printing productions are not limited with this list.
You can come to see samples, communicate with experts and managers.
Believe that we deserve credence! We wait for You in the Publishing house daily from 8.30 till 17.30, the day off – Saturday Sunday.
Оur address:
Almaty, 28, K. Ryskulbekov street, Mustafin street (a bus stop – KazGASA)
in the Main educational building, room. 3, 5.
Our phone numbers: 8(727) 220-81-04, 8 701 0265368 director of the Publishing house,
8 707 882 9474 editor.
E-mail: mira_chelkar@mail.ru.