Board of customers and expert commission

The Council of Customers and the Expert Commission on specialties was established for the first time among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000 (CCEC).

   The Council of Customers and the Expert Commission is consultative body, which aims to participate in the creation of curricula and innovative training programs enhancing efficiency and achievement of high level of education at the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, also to render assistance in educational and methodical work, to solve issues related to graduates employability and to carry out all types of practices.

    The main objectives and tasks of CCEC are:

- to participate in the development and analysis of planning and methodology documentation, which is based on the combination of results of  scientific research and fundamental knowledge with the application of them in production activity;

- to participate in educational process  and also lecturing about modern methods of scientific problems on specializations, production technology, market relations in domestic and international practice.

    The Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering annually carries out meetings of CCEC with the participation of highly qualified specialists in all directions of educational programs in KazGASA.