Project office "Ruhani Zhangyru" has been opened in KazGASA since 2018, the purpose of which is to illuminate and popularize the main directions of the spiritual revival of public consciousness.
The project office coordinates the work of all departments aimed at the implementation of a program at KazGASA which focused on the revival of spiritual values among students, taking into account all modern risks and challenges of globalization. Special focus is paid to the implementation of measures that enhance the competitiveness of graduates, their relevance in the modern labor market, and all the new educational programs being developed are aimed at this. Departments in their work, starting with the education of young people to the subjects of lectures, practical classes and graduate theses, pay special attention to the preservation of national identity. Special events are being developed that popularize the cult of knowledge - from seminars on personal development, to meeting interesting people who have achieved success or overcome difficulties that have arisen in their life paths thanks to the strength of their will and constant striving for new things. In its work, the project office actively attracts the Committee of student youth and activists who show their openness of consciousness and implement various charity events, initiate and participate in the volunteer movement. The project office in its work attracts city and republican organizations that support the spirit of students and help to implement the planned projects within the framework of the “Ruhani Zhangyru” program. Students and teachers of KazGASA support the initiatives and projects of the U38 University Alliance and actively participate in city events that are implemented by the Almaty Akimat.