
The International Educational Corporation (KazGASA Campus, KAU) announces a competition for the 2020-2021 academic year to fill the following vacant professorships (Kazakh, Russian, English) in educational programs:

1. Architecture:

- Architecture of residential and public buildings

- Urban development (town planning)

2. Design:

- Architectural design

- Graphical  design

- Industrial design

- Fashion design

- Tele-video desing

3. Civil engineering:

- Estimation, building design and structures  

- Technology of industrial and civil engineering

- Design and assembly of metal structures

4. Journalism

5. International relations

6. Tourism

7. Jurisprudence

8. Accounting and audit

Qualification requirements: higher or postgraduate education in a specialty, the presence of a scientific degree of a candidate of sciences / doctor of sciences / PhD, an academic master's degree, a specialist with experience in a university or in production for at least 3 years, preferably knowledge of English.

Filing an application for participation in the competition at the address: Almaty, 28 Ryskulbekov St., tel. +77272208058, 2208127, e-mail: