Dear KazGASA web site visitors!
I am pleased to welcome you in my blog!
Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering has a long tradition, established team of highly qualified teachers and scholars. Tens of thousands of students were graduated from the walls of our university. We are proud that many of them are known specialists in Kazakhstan and outside, hold important positions in the public service, run by large companies.
Communication in the blog will allow us to increase the efficiency of contact, speed receiving of needed information about KazGASA.
We invite you to visit KazGASA to learn more about our academy, to establish yourself in your desire to choose a profession of architect, designer, builder etc. We will be happy to answer all your questions in online communication mode.
Sincerely yours,
M.B. Imandossova
KazGASA rector
Executive Assistant to Rector
8 (727) 220-80-76