Board of trustees



 KazGASA’s Board of Trustees was established in 2000 with a purpose of effective using Academy’s intellectual potential for interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan and providing necessary organizational & material support. 

 The Board of Trustees includes prominent graduates  - representatives of state institutions, education management authorities, investment companies and organizations, creative and professional unions, media, and also representative of student youth. The Board of Trustees takes active part in KazGASA’s life permanently contacting Academy’s management, its Faculties, teachers and students. The members of the Board of Trustees regularly analyze perspective KazGASA development plans, make offers on improvement of education programs, implementation of contemporary technologies in education process, enlargement of academic, material and technical resources of the Academy.

   One of the activity areas of the Board of Trustees is sponsor support for students from economically disadvantaged families, orphanages, talented youth, and also for students going for practice abroad (Egypt, UAE, China, Italy, Spain and other). Only in academic year 2010-2011 the Board of Trustees provided sponsor support for KazGASA in amount of KZT 2,600,000, which was spent for arrangement of student practice of Architecture Faculty in Beijing. Moreover, the members of the Board of Trustees provided financial support in the amount of KZT 1 mln for student, scientific and other events of KazGASA, equipped multi-media rooms. The honorable chairman А.А. Kulibayev made a present of 2000 books on construction specialty to KazGASA library for the sum more than KZT 1.5 mln and etc.

   Generally, the KazGASA Board of Trustees includes leaders of architecture and construction area and our graduates who achieved professional success and would like to make their contributions in preparation of competitive specialists. Among them there are representatives of republican authorities (S. Dembay, executive secretary of Agency of construction and housing and public utilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan), managers of the largest Kazakh companies (“PA Kazgor”,”PI Almatygiprogor” ,”KazNIISA”, “ARKAZ Engineering”, “SHM+architects”, Imstalcon” ,"Corporation VEK", "Elitstroy Group”, “Astana-Kurylys”, KNAUF and etc.), professional and creative unions (Association of Constructors of Kazakhstan, Architects’ Union, Union of Designers, Union of urban development constructors of Kazakhstan). KazGASA Board of Trustees is efficient body which actively participates in improvement of all activity areas in our Academy.