Educational-methodical association of RUMS MON RK
in the specialties of architectural and construction and design profiles
Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Republican on-line review competition of graduation works
specialty "Construction"
October 2019 Almaty
Chairman and members of the jury for specializations:
Calculation and design of buildings and structures:
Imambaeva Raikhan Saltayevna - chairman of the jury, academician prof., Candidate of technical sciences, dean of FOS, KazGASA;
- Usenbaev Bolat Usenbaevich - member of the jury, Ph.D., associate professor of the department "Building materials and structures" of Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati;
- Polyakova Irina Markovna - member of the jury, associate prof.ofos, Ph.D., KazGASA;
- Brzhanov Rashit Temerzhanovich - member of the jury, Ph.D., professor of the Department of "Construction", Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova;
- Azhgalieva Banu Akkuanovna - member of the jury, Ph.D., assistant professor of FOS KazGASA;
Industrial and civil engineering technology:
- Besimbaev Yerik Turashovich - chairman of the jury, Doctor of Technical Sciences, rector of the IOC, chairman of the CMC of the specialty "Construction"
- Sabitov Erlan Enzhilovich - member of the jury, head. Department of "Construction", Ph.D., associate professor, ENU;
- Dubinin Alexander Alexandrovich - member of the jury, associate. prof. FOS, Ph.D., KazGASA;
- Nurakhova Akmaral Kuanyshbaevna - member of the jury, Ph.D., senior lecturer of the department "Transport construction and production of building materials" KazADI them. L.G. Goncharova;
- Seitkazinov Orazaly Dautkalievich - member of the jury, assoc. prof. FOS, Ph.D., KazGASA;
Transport construction:
- Seitkazinov Orazaly Dautkalievich - chairman of the jury, assoc. prof. FOS, Ph.D., KazGASA;
- Sakanov Kuandyk Timirovich - member of the jury, head. Chair "PGTS", Ph.D., prof. PSU named after S. Toraigyrova;
- Karibaeva Gulnaz Beksultanovna - member of the jury, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayev;
- Espaeva Gulsum Ablakhatovna - member of the jury, Ph.D., associate professor of KazADI named after L.G. Goncharova;
- Murzalina Gulshat Bukharbaevna - member of the jury, associate. prof. FOS, Ph.D., KazGASA;
Master (profile, scientific and pedagogical):
- Vitaliy Anatolyevich Khomyakov - chairman of the jury, Doctor of Technical Sciences, academic professor of FOS, KazGASA;
- Sakanov Kuandyk Timirovich - member of the jury, head. Chair "PGTS", Ph.D., prof. PSU named after S. Toraigyrova;
- Usenkulov Zhenisbek Amantayevich - member of the jury, head. Department of Industrial Civil and Road Construction, Ph.D., professor SKSU im. M. Auezova;
- Karibaeva Gulnaz Beksultanovna - member of the jury, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayev;
- Dzhartaeva Dilyara Karsybaevna - member of the jury, Ph.D., assoc. Professor of FOS, KazGASA.
1. The results of the Republican on-line review competition of graduation works in 2019
The review competition of graduation works in the specialty "5V072900 - Construction", "6M072900 - Construction" was attended by 11 universities of Kazakhstan.
Submitted _77_ works: undergraduate - 60, graduate - 17.
In the nomination "Calculation and design of buildings and structures" 8 universities of Kazakhstan took part, submitted_22_ works.
Marked by diplomas:
Place |
Post points |
Name graduate |
Theme of graduation |
Name head |
University |
1 |
56,2 |
Shagirov Anuarbek Zhasulanuly |
Ice arena in the city of Atyrau |
Sadyrov Ruslanzhan Karimzhanovich |
International Education Corporation (KazGASA) |
1 |
55,4 |
Stark Oleg Aleksandrovich |
Designing a shopping and entertainment complex of increased energy efficiency with dimensions in the plan of 44 × 70 m with an opaque double facade. |
Shamov Vladimir Vasilievich |
Rudnensky Industrial Institute (RII) |
2 |
55,2 |
Sadybek Ayzhangyz Nurkaliqyzy
Arai shopping and entertainment center in Taraz |
Usenbaev Bolat Usenbaevich
Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, (TarSU them. M.H. Dulati) |
2 |
55,2 |
Glyzno Evgenia Dmitrievna
Elite individual residential building in the city of Almaty |
Polyakova Irina Markovna |
International Educational Corporation (KazGASA) |
2 |
55 |
Baimukhametova Zhuldyz Abilyevna |
Business center in Almaty |
Vitaliy Khomyakov |
International Education Corporation (KazGASA) |
2 |
53 |
Sadbaev Danat Mұkhtaruly
Special purpose administrative building in Shymkent
Usenkulov Zhenisbek Amantayevich
South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezova (SKSU them. M. Auezova) |
3 |
53 |
Kuandykova Perizat Zhomartovna
Concert Hall building for 1200 seats |
Nugumanov Daniyar Toktarovich
East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev (EKSTU them. D. Serikbayev) |
3 |
52,8 |
Aitmaganbet Әlіsher Orazәlіұly |
Assembly shop of a machine-building plant in the city of Almaty |
Aitmaganbet Kasymova Gulsim Temirkhanovna |
International Educational Corporation (KazGASA) |
3 |
52 |
Ubdin Dosbolat Serikuly
Trade and Exhibition Center, Aktau
Kuderin Marat Krykbaevich
Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova (PSU them. S. Toraigyrova) |
3 |
51,2 |
Makhambetov Maksat Dәuleұly, Daulenbaeva Aigerim Beketkyzy
Construction of a base for the production of passenger cars in Aktau |
Brzhanov Rashit Temerzhanovich
Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after S. Yesenov (KSU them. S. Esenova) |
3 |
51 |
Rakhimbekova Madina Daurzhanovna |
Substation in Almaty |
Murzalina Gulshat Bukharbaevna |
International Educational Corporation (KazGASA) |
Certificates are awarded:
№ п/п |
Post points |
Name graduate |
Theme of graduation |
Name head |
University |
1 |
50,8 |
Mynzhasarov Talgat Serikovich |
Clinic for 500 visitors in the city of Aktau) |
Azhgalieva Banu Akkanovna |
International Education Corporation (KazGASA) |
2 |
50,8 |
Alzhanov Abylay Syrymuly |
Campus AKKAU in the Talgar region |
Sadyrov Ruslanzhan Karimzhanovich |
International Education Corporation (KazGASA) |
3 |
50,8 |
Tokpakov Sanzhar Sarsenkalievich |
The building of the district administration in the city of Kapchagay |
Polyakova Irina Markovna |
International Education Corporation (KazGASA) |
4 |
50,8 |
Beresten Daniyar Toremuratuly |
4-storey office building in Kyzylorda |
Eleusinova Akmaral Edygeevna
Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyova (ENU them. L.N. Gumilyova) |
5 |
50,6 |
Kashirskaya Natalya Gennadyevna
Central Mosque for 1000 people, Aktau Gorshkova |
Gorshkova Larisa Vladmirovna |
Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova (PSU named after S. Toraigyrova) |
6 |
50,4 |
Kulbaeva Zarina Kairatovna
Business center with a conference room of 67 m2 and underground parking area of 1445 m2
Gorshkova Larisa Vladmirovna |
Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova (PSU named after S. Toraigyrova) |
7 |
50,4 |
Zhumakozh Zhonibek Serikuly
Library in the city of Almaty
Vitaliy Khomyakov
International Education Corporation (KazGASA)
8 |
49,6 |
Alzhanov Nurzhan Erzhanovich |
7-storey residential building with built-in office premises
Polishchuk Natalya Yuryevna
North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaeva (NKSU them. M. Kozybaeva) |
9 |
49,4 |
Amanbek Akmarzhan Bakhytzhankyzy
6-storey multipurpose parking complex in Kyzylorda |
Bagitova Saltanat Zharylgasovna
Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyova (ENU them. L.N. Gumilyova) |
10 |
49 |
Ilyazov Stanislav Arturovich
Construction of a 5-storey residential building with underground parking for 14 cars in Almaty
Zvyagina Zoya Alekseevna
South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezova (SKSU them. M. Auezova) |
11 |
47,6 |
Malibekova Nazerke Maratkyzy |
Multi-storey frame residential building in the city of Almaty |
Azhgalieva Banu Akkuanovna |
International Education Corporation (KazGASA) |
IOC Rector E.T. Besimbaev
UMO Chair
Chairman of the UMC in the specialty "Construction" R.S. Imambaeva