The academic year continues in a blended learning

Since 25.01.2021, first-year students in the specialty "Architecture", "Design" of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering  have started a new form of education (distance and blended).


               Since 25.01.2021, first-year students in the specialty "Architecture", "Design" of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering  have started a new form of education (distance and blended). In the blended learning, lectures and seminars are held online, practical and laboratory classes in the traditional form with strict observance of the sanitary regime and social distance.

All conditions are created for practical and laboratory classes in the educational buildings, and all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime are strictly observed. Nonresident students are provided with places in the Students ' Home.

With distance learning, students have access to the necessary educational materials and constant contact with teachers, classes are conducted on e-learning platforms (ZOOM, Moodle). Online classes are held in various formats - these are recorded video tutorials, lectures, webinars, presentations, and communication via chats.

Qualified teachers successfully conduct classes in both distance and mixed, as well as in the traditional format. DGED A.K. Rysbaeva

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