20-th Sports day devoted to 40th Anniversary of KazGASA
Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering held the 20th anniversary sports day among the faculty and staff, dedicated day to health and 40th anniversary of KazGASA
All the departments of the Academy took part at the event. The main purpose of the event is to identify the fastest and most agile teachers, improve the quality of professional training of employees, further improvement of their professional competence, realize their creative potential, increase the motivation and creative activity of teachers. Contest were held in the following types of sport games: volleyball, basketball, table tennis, darts, relay races. As a result of the sports day, the College at KazGASA and RES employees shared the first and second places. The third place was taken by the Civil Engineering Department staff team. The winners were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes by the instructor of a sports club, Master of Sport of the USSR, Assoc.Prof. Inna Yugay.