Financial - Economical Department (FED) conducts its activities in accordance with applicable laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, decrees and orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, orders and instructions guide KazGACA, the Rules of financial and economic activity of KazGACA and other regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the financing of education. FED provides salary for employees, the systematic analysis of financial and economic activities of all departments of the Academy, informing the departments of compliance with contractual obligations.
The main activities of FED
• Formation of the budget of International Educational Corporation.
• Monitoring of compliance with financial discipline of the students.
• Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of the International Educational Corporation and the implementation of the budget planning.
• Organization of providing material resources departments of the International Educational Corporation for the conduct of educational, scientific and other activities.
• Develop and implement measures to improve the planning and financing of the International
Educational Corporation.
• Conducting of marketing policy and market analysis.
Control compliance with financial discipline and graduate students of the Department of General Construction (for the students of part-time department). Work with the students.
Address: Street K. Ryskulbekov 28,
Main Administrative Building, office. 205
Tel .: (8-727) 309 62 61, Fax: 309 62 39