ADMISSION RULES of the College of architecture and construction at KazGASA
General regulations
1. The College accepts citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have a certificate of education on basic secondary, secondary (general secondary, technical and professional), post-secondary.
2. The College accepts the following specialties in full-time and part-time forms of education:
- 1418000 Architecture: full-time training, qualification - Design - technician
- 0402000 Design (by profile): form of study - full-time, qualification - Designer
- 1401000 Construction and operation of buildings and structures: the form of training is full-time and part-time; qualification - Construction -technician
- 0713000 Surveying and cartography: full-time education, qualification- Surveyor - technician
3. In the College of architecture and construction at Kazgas, an admissions Committee is created by the heads of the educational organization to accept applications for training, conduct entrance exams and enroll students, which begins its work no later than June 1.
Acceptance of applications of citizens who enter the College for full-time education is held from June 20 to August 25, for part-time education from June 20 to September 20. Entrance exams for full-time education are held from August 1 to August 28, for part-time education from August 1 to September 25.
Admission of documents for full-time training in the following specialties: 1418000-Architecture, 0402000-Design, 0402022- Artist of art and design works is carried out from June 20 to July 20, special (creative) exams are held from July 21 to July 28.
4. To apply for admission to the College, applicants must attach an original document on education, a medical certificate in the form No. 086-U with the application of X-Ray-image (for disabled people of groups I,II and disabled people since childhood — the conclusion of a medical and social examination), 6 3x4 photos, a certificate of UNT or CT results. Identity documents (identity card, passport or birth certificate) of the applicant must be presented personally. Applications from applicants on training forms are registered and accounted for separately.
5. Foreigners and stateless persons submit a document defining their status, with a note on registration at the place of residence: foreigner - residence permit of a foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan; stateless person-certificate of a stateless person; refugee - certificate of a refugee; asylum seeker-certificate of an asylum seeker; oralman- certificate of an oralman.
Persons who enroll in educational organizations that implement post-secondary education programs that have a quota for admission, submit documents confirming the category for which the quota is set.
6. Persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan must submit a copy of their identity documents or a copy of their migration card.
7. Persons who provided the CT certificate (graduates of past years who participated in the CT in the current year for receipt in higher educational institutions) or the certificate on results of UNT (graduates of General secondary education of current year) are exempt from entrance examinations and are allowed to competition according to the conditions specified in paragraph 111.
8. Entrance exams for College applicants:
After the 9th grade:
1418000 - Architecture, 0402000 - Design, 0402022 – Graphic artist - testing (Kazakh or Russian languages), including two creative exams - painting, drawing.
1401000 - Construction and operation of buildings and structures, 0713000 Surveying and cartography - testing (Kazakh or Russian languages, mathematics)
After the 11th grade:
1418000 - Architecture, 0402000 - Design - testing (Kazakh or Russian language and History of Kazakhstan), including two creative exams - painting, drawing.
1401000 - Construction and operation of buildings and structures, 0713000 Surveying and cartography - testing (Kazakh or Russian languages, History of Kazakhstan, mathematics)
- in major subject (for those who have technical and professional, post-secondary, higher education that does not correspond to the profile of the specialty).
- in the form of an interview (for those who have technical and professional, post-secondary, higher education that matches the profile of the specialty).
Persons who received a poor mark on a creative exam or who did not come without a good reason are not allowed to the rest of the exams. The form of entrance examinations is established by the organization of education.
During entrance exams:
- in form of testing, the number of test tasks (questions) for each subject is 25. The correct answer for each test task is 1 point. For testing in three subjects 2 hours 15 minutes are allotted, and in two subjects 1 hour 30 minutes. Codes of correct answers are posted immediately after testing. Testing results are announced on the day of the test;
- in form of examinations in the subjects of grades "3", "4", "5", obtained by the results of entrance examinations are transferred by the admission committee to points on the following scale: grade "3" - 8 points, "4" - 17 points, " 5 "- 25 points.
9. In order to ensure compliance with common requirements and resolve argues when evaluating test items (questions) and examinations in subjects, to protect applicants’ rights, an appeal commission is organized at the college.
The appeal commission is approved by the head of the educational institution. The commission consists of an odd number of members, including its chairman. The decision of the appeals commission is considered as competent if at least two thirds of its composition is present at the meeting.
An applicant who does not agree with the results of testing or entrance examination in subjects is entitled to appeal.
The appeal is submitted to the Admission Board till 13-00 of the next day after the announcement of the results of entrance examinations and after that it is considered by the appeal commission with the participation of the applicant and a decision is made. Retaking a test or entrance exam in subjects is not permitted.
10. Enrollment in the number of full-time students is carried out on a competitive basis from August 25 to 30, distance studies are conducted from September 15 to 30.
The competition is held:
- based on the points of certificates issued according to the results of UNT;
- based on the points of certificates issued on the results of entrance examinations conducted in the form of CT, based on points (grades);
- on the basis of scores (grades) obtained by the results of entrance examinations in subjects or in the form of testing conducted by the college;
- The amount of points from the three items specified in the UNT or CT certificate shall be taken into account during the competition.
Citizens who have earned less than 20 points from two subjects, less than 30 points from three subjects - for those with basic secondary education - are not allowed to participate in the competition for admission to students; Less than 30 points from three subjects, less than 40 points from four subjects - for those with secondary education.