Information about tuition fees


 2019-2020 academic year

№ sp



Cost of education



KazGASA College

Based on grades 9 and 11

academic year

400 000 

●  *education in English in the Campus of KazGASA - before 50% of credits  from all disciplines.

●  The tariff for basic educational services increases by 25% for foreign students. The tariff increases by 15% if one of the parents of a foreign student is a representative of the indigenous ethnicity of the Republic of Kazakhstan

● Deadline for payment of full-time, part-time, distance learning students:

For the fall semester: for newly enrolled students, students who began classes in the second course, after an academic leave, enrolled in the transfer or restoration order - within 3 days after the release of the relevant order and from next year before 15  July in the amount of 1/2 of the annual payment for the education.

For the spring semester: for newly enrolled students, students who began classes in the second course, after an academic leave, enrolled in the transfer or restoration order - within 3 days after the release of the relevant order and from next year before 25 December in the amount of 1/2 of the annual payment for the education.

Dear Applicant!

You need to apply to the Financial and Economic Department or to the Accounting Department of KazGASA to obtain financial information.

The Financial and Economic Department advice on:

- payment for the education, Retake, the variance of credits, prerequisites     

- date of payments

- discounts and privileges

Contact the Accounting Department for registration of documents for obtaining bank cards for scholarships.

List of discounts and privileges of KazGASA:

- with preliminary annual payment for the education before the date of payment - 10%;

- when paying for the education of 2 children from the same family - from 10% to 15%;

- when paying for the education of 3 or more children from the same family - from 10% to 20%;

- especially gifted applicants who are not able to pay for the education can apply for corporate grants "Scholarships" – from 25% to 100%.

Date of payment for the education:

  • For the first semester before 25 August (new applicants, 1 course, 1-st year of study, reinstated of study)
  • For the second semester before 25 December.
  • Next courses of study for the first semester before 15 July, for the second semester before 25 December.

An individual payment schedule is provided for those who are not able to pay for education  according to the above schedule with to their statements in the following dates of payment:

  • For the first semester: before 5 September, 25 September, 25 October, 25 November (new applicants, 1 course, 1-st year of study, reinstated of study)
  • For the second semester: before 25 December, 25 January, 25 February, 25 March.


Financial and Economic Department: +7 727 2208056 (ext. 1045, 1046), office 205, e-mail:

Accounting Department: +7 727 2208054 (ext. 1037, 1038), office 206, e-mail:


Bank details for payment for applicants of college:

LLP «Казахская головная архитектурно-строительная академия»

Almaty, 050043, Ryskulbekov street, 28, 

TIN 600200063529

BIN 010640001407

IBAN KZ77 8560 0000 0009 9584

JSC Bank CenterCredit


BC 17