- Development of architectural concepts;
- Preliminary and detailed design of residential and public buildings.
Composition of architectural and design bureau:
• Team Leader - Isabayev G.A., candidate of arch. Professor, member of the Union of designers of Kazakhstan. He was the first director of design and Construction Company from 1996 to 2012.
• Projects Chief Architect - Baitenov E.M., Doctor of arch., Professor, Honored Architect of Kazakhstan.
• Senior Specialist - Ordabaev A,B,, candidate of arch., Vice-President of the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan honorary architect, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
• Lead Architect - Espenbet A.S., candidate of arch., Assoc. prof., honorary architect of Kazakhstan.
• Lead Architect - Koyshanbaev N., candidate of arch., Assoc. prof.
• Architect - Rysbekov C.
Resume of director of architectural and design bureau Isabaev G.A.
• Professor of KazGASA, a member of the Union of designers of Kazakhstan. In 1984 has graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of AACE, worked in the design institutes "Kazgiprograd", "Sredazgiprostroyindustriya". Has been working successfully for 28 years in the field of architecture and construction. From 1996 to 2012 led the design and construction company. Author of many projects of residential and public buildings. Candidate of Architecture of Novosibirsk Institute of Architecture (1992).
• Member of the International Forum of Architects in Turin, Italy (2008), the international competition "The feeling of the city" (co-authored with Baitenova E.M.), organized by the Catalan Institute of Advanced Architecture (Barcelona) in 2011, where the concept of eco-cities with traditional forms of nomadic economy in the foothills of the Almaty region was introduced., International conference "Business management and Information systems" in Singapore (2012), which was published by the concept of energy-efficient innovation in AGROPOLIS in Zhambyl village of Almaty region. (In collection of International Journal of Conference Proceedings).
• Has more than 30 published scientific papers and articles (including in the international press in Turkey and the United States), Diploma of II degree of the Union of Architects of the USSR, diplomas of the Agency for Construction and Housing, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A number of architectural projects, construction sites and professional biography were included in the book "Architecture and construction of the city of Almaty," publishing "Golden Book" (2007). In 2011 he has participated in the development of new regulatory requirements on the content of development projects commissioned by KSRPICA Kazakhstan and the Agency for Construction and Housing.
• In 2012 Isabaeva GA developed training complex "Energy-efficient technologies in architectural design" for the specialty "Architecture" in the first developed in a joint program of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan, UNDP and KSRPICA "Energy efficient design and construction of residential buildings".
• Major projects carried out by the author (as a director and member of the project team):
• 1984 - Development of urban agglomeration of Shymkent, 1987 - General plan of construction industry enterprises in the Almaty region, 1996 - Agro-industrial complex in Tausugur village of Almaty region, 1991 and 1998 - A number of projects of private houses and cottages in the suburbs of Almaty, 1997 - Reconstruction of the Central Branch of People's Bank in Astana on Kenesary street, in 1998 and 2000 - The first townhouses in Almaty on Radostovets and Aldar Kose Str., 2001 - Building of a business center and hotel of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Astana on May 9 street, 2003 - Reconstruction of the building of the Embassy of China in Almaty on Furmanov Str, 2004 and 2005 - Reconstruction of the embassies of Iran and India in Almaty, 2007 - Draft of Residential estate of "luxury" class, "good old Alma- Ata", 2008 to 2009- Design of the urban environment of four cities of Almaty - G- 4 (with Suleimenov T.B, Ordabayev A.B, Baitenova E.M ), 2008 - The project of reconstruction of the UN building in Almaty, 2009 - Nutrition plant project and the expansion of the pre-school buildings of school group "Miras" in Almaty, 2009 Project planning of residential area "Yelimai" with the technology park in the western suburb of Almaty (with Baitenova E.M), 2010 - Design of the plant for the production of wind turbines in Kapshagay, using the technologies of energy-efficient design (with Baitenova E.M), 2011 - The project of a sports complex in the city of Almaty, with the use of energy-efficient design; 2011 - Innovative project of eco villages in Zhambyl village of Almaty region, 2012 - Astro-archeological museum "Akbaur" in the EKO (co-authored with Baitenova E.M, Ordabayev A.B) 2012 – Ethnic touristic city "Moinak" (co-authored with Baitenova E.M, Ordabayev A.B).
Completed projects:
- Micro District "Samal" in Almaty. The chief architect of the project is Ordabaev A.B.
- House of Scientists in Almaty, the chief architect of the project is Ordabaev A.B.
- Monument Anyrahay battle. Architects: Ordabaev A.B., Sulejmenov T.B.
- Decorations for the films "Nomad" and "Myn bala ...". Design of Ordabayev A.B.
- The Mausoleum of Kazakh folk kobyz player Ykylas in Zhambyl region. Architects: Baitenov E.M., Espenbetov A.S., G.B. Saharieva.
- The Mausoleum of Kazakh biys Baygara-bi and Aktaylak-bi, East-Kazakhstan region. Architects: Baitenov E.M., A.S. Espenbetov.
- Townhouses in Almaty on Radostovets Str., to the south from Utepov Str. Architects: Isabaev G.A., Toyganbaev M.
- Reconstruction of machine server room in the National Bank of Kazakhstan, Almaty. Architects: Isabaev G.A., Toyganbaev M.
- Reconstruction of the business center of the MFA in Astana on May 9. street. Architects: Isabaev G.A., Krutov A.
- Reconstruction of the embassies of Iran, China, Romania, in the city of Almaty. Architect: Isabaev G.A.
Completed projects that are still under negotiation and construction
• Project of the Museum "Boroldai mounds". Architect: E.M. Baitenov.
• Project of Astro-archeological memorial park "Akbaur" in East Kazakhstan region. Architects: Baitenov E.M., Isabaev G.A., Ordabaev A.B. (approved for detailed design by Akim Saparbaev B.M.).
• Project of ethnic touristic city - park "Moinak." Architects: Baitenov E.M., Isabaev G.A., Ordabaev A.B., Koyshanbaev N. (125 hectares).
• The project of building of residential area "Yelimai" with a technology park in the city of Almaty. Architects: Baitenov E.M., G.A. Isabaev.
• The project of an innovative energy-efficient village Sun Zhambyl in Almaty region. Architect: Isabaev G.A.
• Design of energy-efficient 9-store residential building for Almaty region. (Recovery system, heat meters in every apartment, walls of polystyrene). Architect: Isabaev G.A.
Scientific and methodological developments on energy efficiency and innovative active areas.
• Article of professors Baitenova E.M. and Isabaeva G.A. "Eko urban and ethnological land shafts concept of development of innovatively active foothill areas of Zailli Alatau", published in the scientific collection in the United States.
• The concept of energy-efficient innovation AGROPOLIS in Zhambyl village of Almaty region presented at the conference in an interdisciplinary report in Singapore (22-24 November 2012), and published in the international scientific collection International Journal of Conference Proceedings. First author – candidate of arch., prof. Isabaev G.A.
• The concept of ETAC (eco, techno, agro city) in Almaty region with the organization of the theme park "nomadic civilizations of Eurasia" (according to the central axis) which participated in the international competition in Barcelona (organized by the International Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia). Architects Baitenov E.M., G.A. Isabaev.