Unit of scientific and methodological activity

Scientific and methodological divisions of the Academy are structural units that manage educational and methodological, research work and include the Methodological Council (MC), Scientific center (SC).

Scientific and methodological work is carried out for the purpose of integrating science and education, ensuring and improving the educational process, developing and implementing new learning technologies, and providing advanced training for University teaching staff.

According to the Order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 12, 2018 №562 "On creation of the Republican educational-methodical Council of higher and (or) postgraduate education and scientific-methodical associations in the areas of training and approval of their activities" the University determined the Association of areas of training "Architecture and construction", including of specialty (educational program): "Architecture", "Construction", "Geodesy and cartography", "Production of building materials, products and structures", "Transport construction", "Engineering systems and networks", "land Management", "Cadastre".

Educational-methodical Association by training areas "Architecture and construction" established on the basis of International Education Corporation (basic school) (order MES of Kazakhstan № 367 from 31.07.2009 g).

The purpose of creating an educational and methodological Association is to coordinate the activities of educational organizations that are members of the UME and provide training in these specialties (educational programs).      


Director of the Research center

Phone: 8(727) 220-81-03 (ext. 1179)


Chairman of the Academy's MC

Phone: 8(727) 220-80-49 (ext. 1015)


Executive Secretary of the ЕMO

Phone: 8(727) 220-80-49 (ext. 1012, 1019)