Career guidance

Career guidance work is a set of measures aimed at helping graduates of General educational schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and Vet institutions to self-identify and choose their professional activities, as well as in their further personal and professional growth. Through career guidance, students develop competencies that allow them to adapt to the labor market.

The faculty uses the following methods of career guidance:

- conversations of teachers about the areas of training and groups of educational programs implemented at the University;

- invitation of construction professionals to thematic evenings of secondary and vocational education organizations;

- design of information stands about the areas of training and groups of educational programs implemented at the University;

- visiting prospective students of the faculty and University;

- organization of "open door Week";

- preparation and distribution of printed materials about the areas of training and groups of educational programs implemented at the University;

- presentation of University scientists in the media;

- involvement of students of secondary and professional education organizations in the work of higher education scientific circles;

- organization of Olympiads aimed at identifying aptitudes for certain types of future professional activities;

- communication in social networks, etc.

Involvement of young people in these events is the main incentive in choosing engineering specialties for further professional development.

Employers are actively involved in career guidance work.

Information sheet
