The program of the "Open Door Week"

It is not the first year that KazGASA has been holding an Open Door Week - all the departments of the Academy open their doors.

And, as practice has shown, this format of acquaintance with the Faculty of General Construction is most effective, as it provides additional opportunities:

- applicants - to personally see how and what our faculty lives in, get to know teachers and students, ask questions that they did not have time to ask at the Open Doors Week of the entire university or that appeared afterwards;

- faculty staff - get to know potential applicants, reveal the specifics and advantages of their faculty, talk about specialized programs that are not available at other faculties and other universities, tell about the partners of the faculty, about the opportunities that open to graduates and about further employment.

The main goal of the Faculty of General Construction is to provide the applicant with the opportunity of self-determination - to enter or not to enter this faculty. For those who have not yet made their final choice - this is a good opportunity to get acquainted with a specific place for future study.                   

From October and monthly from 14:00 to 17:00, the Faculty of General Construction will hospitably open its doors.

As you know, a successful future begins with study.

Enter the future with KazGASA!


The program of the "Open Door Week"