
The origins of the faculty's education go back to the 50s, when on the basis of the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute, and then the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. V.I. Lenin trained specialists of the oldest and most necessary profession for the country – the builder. Over the long years of its history, the Faculty of General Construction has made a great contribution to the training of highly qualified civil engineers for Kazakhstan. Here are some stages of its formation and development:

•1957 – the first admission to the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering" was organized at the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute;

•1959 – the first department "Construction business" was organized under the direction of B.S. Zharmagambetov;

•1961 – the Faculty of Civil Engineering was established, and in 1964 the correspondence department was opened at the faculty;

•1962 – the first graduation of civil engineers took place.

The graduation projects of A.T. Aubakirov and Yu.I. Nemchinov were recognized as exemplary. These graduates subsequently became scientists, doctors of technical sciences. 18 people defended their diplomas “excellently”, including well–known scientists, educators and industrialists – T.Zh. Akberdin, M.M. Sabalakov, M.A. Ashimbaev, A.A. Bespaev, A.Sh. Tatygulov, P.V. Korolkov et al.

•1963 – at the Faculty of Civil Engineering the specialty "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation" was opened.

At this time, the faculty became one of the leading in KazPTI. Already in the first year of its existence, the faculty took second place in the amateur art competition "Spring at the Polytechnic." At that time, the “Theater of Variety Miniatures of Builders” was organized (under the direction of S.R. Bukeikhanov), which six months later became the basis of the all–institute Theater of Variety Miniatures of Polytechnics. Many times, builders became champions of sports competitions of KazPTI and later AASI.

•1980 – formation of the Alma–Ata Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (AASI).

At this time, the Faculty of Civil Engineering was training only in the specialties of Industrial Civil Engineering, Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation, Water Supply and Sewerage.

•1988 – 1990 two new specialties were opened: “Economics and Organization of Construction”, and “Hoisting–and–transport, road–building machines and equipment”;

•1992 – AASI was transformed into KazGASA – Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering;

•1995 – 1997 specialties “Urban construction and economy”, “Mechanization and automation of construction”, “Protection in emergency situations” were opened.

In 2001 with the abbreviation KazGASA preserved, the Academy from the State becomes the Head Academy and is called the Kazakh Head Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

• From January 1, 2011 KazGASA is losing its legal independence and in the form of the Campus, KazGASA is part of the International Educational Corporation (IOC).

Today, the faculty is an innovative educational, scientific and industrial complex that serves as the basic information, design and expert center for construction, transport construction and housing and communal services, contributes to the preservation of the architectural and construction heritage and quality of the environment, educates the technical intelligentsia, patriots of the country, morally and morally responsible to society and the state.

We are focused on the development of science and technology; continuous improvement of the educational process; new educational and information technologies in the educational process; ensuring continuity between different levels of education.

The strong faculty of the university has always successfully coped with the tasks set by time. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the research activities of our scientists in the field of civil and industrial construction. We can be proud of the research of our colleagues in mechanics, geotechnics, earthquake engineering and other scientific fields. Today, prominent scientists Kussainov A.A., Bessimbaev E.T., Abakanov T.D., Khomyakov V.A. are working at the faculty. and young creative researchers – graduates of the university Sadyrov R.K., Bryantsev A.A., Taubaldieva A.S., Gumenyuk V.V. and etc.

Being initially technical, our university was considered a forge of highly qualified engineering personnel who were in demand in the construction industry of the country and abroad. With the advent and development of new areas of study, today the university has become even more competitive and meets all the challenges of the time. Scientists, teachers and students of KazGASA always strive for new achievements.


Today, the faculty has 39 teachers and 2 employees, including, 2 – honorary professors, 5 – academic and 17 associate professors, 15 assistant professors.

Dean of the faculty – candidate of technical sciences, prof. Imambaeva R.S., graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Academic professors: Kussainov A.A., Bessimbaev E.T., Maulenov Zh.K., Imambaeva R.S., Toybaev K.D., Abakanov T.D.

More than 1,500 students are studying at the faculty at all educational levels, including using distance-learning technologies.

Educational activities are carried out in the direction "Architecture and Construction", a group of educational programs 6B073 "Urban planning, civil works and civil engineering":

1. 6B07321 – Calculation and design of buildings and structures;

2. 6B07322 – Technology of industrial and civil construction;

3. 6B07323 – Design and installation of metal structures;

4. 6B07325 – Earthquake–resistant construction;

7. 6B07329 – Hydrotechnical construction;

8. 6B07342 – Construction of roads and airfields;

9. 6B07328 – City cadastre and property management;

10. 6B07327 – Information technology in construction;

11. 6B07326 – Urban construction and utilities;

12. 6B07351 – Heat and gas supply and ventilation;

13. 6B07352 – Water supply and sewerage.

The following scientific and educational laboratories has been created and is successfully developing at the faculty:

  • Welding and diagnostics of metal structures and their compounds;

  • Inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures;

  • Earthquake resistance of buildings and structures;

  • Geotechnics in construction;

  • Engineering mechanics;

  • Hydraulics;

  • Heat supply and others.

Research work

Scientific staff of the faculty conducts research, taking into account world experience in the design, construction and operation of buildings and structures. Over the past 10 years, according to the results of scientific research, faculty members received about 150 copyright certificates for inventions, patents, published over 20 monographs and about 700 publications in various scientific collections and journals, including 20 textbooks in Kazakh and Russian, 16 textbooks, 170 scientific articles, organized and conducted 15 scientific and practical conferences and participated in 17 republican student conferences.

Scientific internships, joint research projects, and international academic mobility programs are being implemented.

            Scientific directions of academic and associate professors:

1) Geotechnical research, design and strengthening of the bases and foundations of buildings and structures, calculations to ensure sustainability. Head: doctor of technical sciences, acad. professor Khomyakov V.A.;

2) Modern technologies for ensuring the sustainability of buildings and structures. Head: doctor of technical sciences, acad. professor Bessimbaev E.T.;

3) Improving wastewater treatment methods. Head: doctor of technical sciences, acad. professor Toybaev K. D.;

4) Improvement and optimization of DVT systems. Head: PhD, assoc. professor Makashev E.B.;

5) Improving the designs and operation systems of construction, hoisting–and–transport machinery and equipment. Head: doctor of technical sciences, acad. professor Maulenov Zh.K.

The research results are published in collections of international scientific conferences, in publications in the countries of near and far abroad, in rating journals with impact factor. Research results are also introduced into the educational process. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students are involved in the field of scientific activity.

The results of scientific research are being introduced into the activities of contractual topics. Scientists participate in scientific seminars, international conferences, symposia.

The research work of students (NIRS) is developing in the following areas: participation in scientific and practical conferences, subject Olympiads, in scientific seminars, participation in the work of experimental laboratories, etc.

Students and undergraduates obtained in the process of research results in collaboration with teachers present at international scientific conferences and competitions.

In recent years, teachers have been actively publishing articles in publications indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Teachers have citation for publications published in scientific periodicals indexed in the Scopus database.

Intercollegiate activities.

To improve the quality of training and the competitiveness of graduates in the construction industry, the faculty actively cooperates with Kazakhstani and foreign universities, such as: D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan state technical university, Eurasian National University, Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy, Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering, Kokshetau State University, Pavlodar State University, Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, South Kazakhstan State University, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Sofia University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria; Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia; Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Azerbaijan; Samara State Technical University, Russia; Tyumen Industrial University, Russia; Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia; Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine; Peter the Great Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg, Russia; Volgograd State Technical University, Russia; Vilnius College of Technology and Design, Lithuania; Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine.

The faculty, within the framework of EMA REMS MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, actively participates in the organization of the annual Republican review competition of diploma projects and the International Festival of graduation works of architectural and construction and design schools of Eurasia. In 2019, the faculty first submitted work to the graduation qualification competition held by the International Public Organization for the Promotion of Building Education (ACU MGSU). The final works submitted for the competition won prizes and were included in the catalog of the best projects of the ACU of MGSU.

Сommunication with the production.

The faculty has close contacts with leading design and construction companies of the Republic: KazNIISA JSC, KAZGOR, Imstalkon JSC, BI–Group Holding, KAZGOR Design Academy, BAZIS–A group of companies, ALPROF LLP, PC “Institute Kazgiprovodkhoz”, JSC “Kazakh Vodokanalproekt”, GKP on PVC “Almaty su”, LLP “Inter Clima”, LLP “AVC Engineering” and others.