1. When making an order for materials on a loan basis, readers produce a reader’s pass, fill in reader’s slip, and sign the charging card.
2. For use of literature in excess of the established time limit readers shall pay a penalty for each overdue day according to the standard form contract.
3. Readers’ registration and access to the library are made on presentation of a document certifying that the reader belongs to this higher educational institution and two 3x4cm photos. The faculty and staff must present a certificate from the personnel department.
4. When joining the library, readers must study the library rules and confirm his/her obligation to follow the rules by signing the service list.
5. The validity period of the reader’s pass is one academic year. Every year the library re-registers its readers with demanding all the materials assigned to them at a fixed time. Those readers who failed to re-register are not served by the library.
6. On dropping the institution of higher learning (IHL) readers shall return editions assigned to them including the reader’s pass to the library.
7. Readers violating the rules of library use or causing damage to the library shall bear administrative and civil (financial) responsibility as provided for by the effective legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academy Articles of Association, and rules of library use.
8. Readers responsible for loss or involuntary damage to the editions replace them by the same editions or their copies, or editions, recognized by the library as equivalent. In case the replacement is impossible, readers compensate for the damage by paying factual market price.
1. When ordering materials in the reading hall, readers show their reader’s pass, complete the reader’s slip, and on receipt required editions they sign the reader’s card of each edition.
2. The number of books, other printed writings, or materials given in reading halls is not limited. If there is one-time higher demand for materials, the number of books can be limited.
3. The materials delivered to the reading hall from the main storerooms can be reserved for an indefinite period of time.
4. Readers are not allowed to reading halls with personal and library books, magazines, newspapers, cuttings from printed editions, and other printed materials.
5. It is prohibited to take materials from reading halls out. If readers breach this rule, they will be deprived of the right to use the library for the period determined by the library administration and pay a penalty.
1. Services in halls are provided as per the reader’s service card and pass.
2. During the first visit the user is registered and instructed by the hall employee about the rules of hall use and technical safety rules.
3. The Internet access in the halls of electronic resources and multimedia is performed by appointment. If the user is late for over 15 minutes, his time can be given to another user. If there are vacant seats, users can make an advantage of Internet access without appointment.
4. When registering for Internet, it is obligatory to point out the subject of information search.
5. Students are granted 1 hour a day to work in Internet.
6. Users must treat the equipment with due care. In case a user detects any defects in computer equipment, he/she must immediately inform the hall employee about it.
7. Users have the right to correspondence via e-mail for educational and research purposes within 15 minutes. Personal correspondence is not allowed.
8. It is allowed to use own audio and video cassettes, СD-ROMs with educational and scientific materials.