Library guide
Library guide

KazGASA Library            
Library service of readers is organized on 2 subscriptions and in 6 reading.

On the ground floor KazGASA located:

№ 6 Hall scientific and educational depository fund. The reading room serves students of all courses, undergraduates, PTS, employees. The fund presents scientific books to help the educational process and scientific work. Reading room number 6 - is also a subscription. The scientific and educational depository fund is concentrated here.

On the ground floor of KazGASA are located:

Textbook subscription - readers are recorded in the library. Students of all courses, undergraduates, PTS, employees are served. Literature is issued for one semester. At the end of the fall semester, readers are obliged to extend the terms of using literature, and at the end of the spring semester (before July 1) they are required to hand over all the literature in their hands. Small literature is issued for a short time. Types of services - individual service, group service.

Reading room №5 literature room for architects, designers and building specialties. Undergraduates, faculty, students of all courses are served. Here are books in different languages ​​on architecture, design, construction specialties. Served by students, undergraduates, PhD students.

On the second floor of KazGASA are located:

№4 Room for PTS and undergraduates - There are computers installed in the hall that have Auto CAD-14, Auto CAD-2000, and Corel Draw programs for performing graphic work by readers. Here you can search for literature on the library's electronic catalog. The hall contains literature (reference and periodicals) in English - 250 volumes of the collection “Libraries of the Ending Epoch”, the British Encyclopedia in 22 volumes and the American Encyclopedia in 30 volumes. The permanent exhibition “Works of the faculty of KazGASA” is exhibited.

№3 Electronic and multimedia reading room for students.

There are 30 computers in the hall that are connected to the Internet. There is an access to the “IPRbooks” databases; by national subscription, they are connected to the “Elsevier” database to the “Skopus” and “ScienceDirect”, “Clarivate Analytics”, “Polpred”, “KazNEB”, and “RMEB” collections. Here you can search for literature on the library's electronic catalog.

A department for compiling and processing materials room №244 – provides for the formation of the library’s collection for educational process, educational research and development, and for research activities of the Academy. The department places orders for new editions on request of the faculties and subscribes readers to periodicals. The department provides for arranging, cataloguing and technical processing of new incoming materials, as well as keeping main readers’, internal and electronic catalogues. Kinds of services provided: putting UDK (UDC, Universal Decimal Classification) and BBK (LBC, Library Bibliographic Classification) indices on dissertations, reports, faculty (PPS) and students’ publications.

On the third floor of KazGASA are located:

Reading room № 1- Reading room number. The hall presents literature on social and humanitarian disciplines and legal (history, philosophy, political science, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, ethics, aesthetics, religion, law basics, legislative foundations of economic activity), literature for general natural science training (mathematics, physics , chemistry), literature on languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian, English), literature on economic disciplines, reference and periodicals.