Legal department


The main aim ofthe departmentis to ensure low enforcement activities ofthe corporation.
The main objectivesare:
information andlegal groundwork forthe activities ofthe corporation;
protectionof  legalinterests and legal rightsof the corporation;
draftinglegal documents;
representation of corporation interestsin thecourts of various levelsandother public bodies;
preparation of legal opinionsand advisory work.


In accordance with its objectives Legal Department performs the following functions:

·         Сorporate work - maintenance of controls (shareholders/members, boards of directors, executive agencies), registration/liquidation/reorganization of legal entities, separate divisions, registration activities in LD;

·         Preparation and provision of NB RK  placing/ not placing of shares of affiliated persons, the register of security holders;

·         Legal examination ofthe draft orders, instructions, regulationsand other acts ofa legal nature, prepared by the Corporationandsubmittedfor approval to thelegal department, the signing them, and also participates in the preparationof these documents;

·         Preparation of legal rules and regulations governing the activities of the corporation;

·         Implementation of measuresfor the application ofadministrative measuresandotheraction against violatorsand makingtheircommitmentsas a proposalfor the approvalorthe approval of the corporation administrationof the corporation.

·         Implementation of measuresfor the implementation oflegal controlin the field oflabor relations;

·         Implementation of measures forthe development,negotiation and conclusionof agreements andcurrentliabilities;

·         Achievement of a high levelof registrationin the corporationof legal documents;

·         information and reference supportof the structural divisions, providing them with adviceon legal issues;

·         coordination withlaw enforcement agencies, public authorities andcontrolbodies of localself-government;

·         Progressing of corporation’s departmentsand officialsproposalson thenotarizationof documents;

·         Empowerment and legalization of other documents, associated with thedelegation of authorityon behalf ofthe corporation;

·         providingaccounting and recordingof local regulations of the corporationand etc.;

·         providing guidancein thelegal workof the corporation,clarificationof existing legislation andits application procedure, rendering legal assistancestructural divisionsinclaims activities, preparation and transmission ofmaterials neededinthe judiciary;

·         represent the interestsof the corporationin court,the economiccourt,as well asgovernment and publicorganizationswhen dealing with legalissues, case prosecution;

·         work on the analysisand synthesisof the resultsof claims,litigation, and the practiceof imprisonment and executionof contractsfor the provisionof educational services, joint venture agreementswith otherinstitutions and organizations, business contracts, development of proposalsfor improving themonitoring of compliance withcontractual discipline;

·         participation in thedevelopment and implementationof measures tostrengthen thecontractual, financialandlabor discipline;

·         participationin the examination ofthe materialson the stateof receivablesto identifydebtsthat requireenforcement, ensuring preparation of opinionson proposals tobad debts write-off.


Legal  department  director

       Tairov Farkhad


       Tel: 8(727)-309-62-36