Olympiads for school children

KazGASA regularly hosts Olympiads for school children of the final grades (grades 11 and 9) and the corresponding categories of students of primary and secondary professional education.

The Olympiad is an active form of the intellectual competition of students in a certain field, which allows students to identify not only the knowledge of factual material, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in new non-standard situations that require creative thinking. The subjects of the Olympiads, in which students can take part, are diverse:

  • «I want to be an Architect»;
  • «I want to be a Designer»;
  • «My business is in construction»;
  • «Wooden products with your own hands»;
  • «My dream home with using modern materials»;
  • «Map of my country»;
  • Subject Olympiads in mathematics, physics, and languages.

The winners of the Olympiad awarded with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree diplomas.

Winners of the Olympiad are rewarded with:

  • I place – 100% discount for the first semester’s tuition fees;
  • II place – 50% discount for the first semester’s tuition fees;
  • III place – 25% discount for the first semester’s tuition fees.