The organization of the educational process in KazGASA is carried out by the main academical, educational control and educational support units of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (faculties, college, lyceum, DIT, library) and the Registrar's office.
Registration for academic disciplines, quality assessment and the volume of knowledge gained by students is carried out by the Registrar's office.
The educational process in KazGASA is organized in accordance with the academic calendar. The beginning of the school year, as a rule, is September 1.
The academic year consists of 34 weeks, of which 30 are theoretical studies (2 semesters of 15 weeks each). After the end of the theoretical course 2 sessions of 2 weeks - the final control.
The duration of the practice is defined as follows:
1st year students take practice for 3 weeks and at the 4th week passes practice exams;
2nd and in higher year students take 4 weeks practice, including passing practice exams.
For full-time students, holidays are set 2 times a year with duration of at least 7 weeks.
For all types of classroom studies, the academic hour is set to last 50 minutes.