Faculty of construction technologies, infrastructure and management
In the first years after the opening of AASI, the Faculty of Technology was created and in 2006 it was renamed into the Faculty of Construction Technologies, Infrastructure and Management. Since its founding, for many years, deans of the faculty were, respectively, academician of the IA RK, doctor of technical sciences, professor Saybulatov S.Zh and doctor of economic sciences Adilov Zh.M.
The structure of the FCTIM includes the following specialties: Production of building materials, wares and structures, Technology of woodworking and wood products, Economics, Accounting and Auditing, Management. Since 2006, the faculty was headed by an associate. by candidate of technical sciences. Espaeva A.S.
From September 2013 to 2017, the faculty was headed by candidate of economics sciences, assoc. prof. Adilova D.A.
From september 2017 to december 2018, the faculty was headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. Omirzhanova Zh.T.
Since january 2019, the dean of the faculty is candidate of technical sciences, associate prof. Estemesova A.S.
Currently, the faculty is conducting training in six undergraduate specialties, six master's specialties and three doctoral specialties.
«Production of building materials, wares and structures»
The history of the formation of the direction began in 1980 on the basis of two departments: the opened one - “Production of building materials, wares and structures” and transferred from KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin (today KazNRTU named.K.I. Satpayev) in the separated AASI - "Building Materials".
The head of the Department of Production of building materials, wares and structures was its founder, former Rector of AASI, now academician of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baibolov S.M. He personally formed the teaching staff of the specialty from among graduate students of leading universities of the USSR, promising scientists of one of the largest at that time in the USSR scientific research and design institute of building materials NIISTROMproekt.
In the following years, optimization and restructuring of the departments took place. The department “Building Materials” was headed by candidate of technical sciences., associate professor Ermekbaeva RB, which ensured a high level of organization of the educational process and, accordingly, knowledge in the direction of the department to many generations of engineers of architectural and construction specialties.
The head of the TSMIK department was the Academician of the Scientific Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the scientific school of effective ceramics technology Saybulatov S.Zh., department of “Technology of concrete and binders” (TBiVV), - Academician of the Scientific Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Doctor of Technical Sciences Prof., Head of the Scientific School of Modified Concrete Technology V. Soloviev Today he is the President of the Kazakhstan Academy of Quality Management, the general director of the conformity confirmation body of EUROASIA MS LLP. The heads of the Production of building materials, wares and structures direction as part of the FCTIM 2005-2014 were doctor of technical sciences Zhakipbekov Sh.K., 2015-2016 Doctor of Technical Sciences Makhambetova U.K., since 2016 headed by - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician Professor Kolesnikova I.V.
In different years until the beginning of 2000 taught and supervised the training of doctoral and postgraduate students, including Foreign: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor, Academician of the Scientific Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saduakasov MS, who heads the scientific school of technology of gypsum materials; Doctor of Technical Sciences professor, Academician of the Scientific Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shintemirov KS, dealing with the issues of corrosion of valves and the development of foaming agents for concrete; Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor, Academician of the Scientific Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mirzakhodzhaev A.A. - a well-known, including a world-class scientist in the field of glass crystalline materials; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. Akchabaev, who made a significant contribution to the development of arbolite technology in the former USSR; Professor Navrezov Sh.A., under whose leadership, as a chief engineer of the NIISTROMproject, projects of a large number of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan were completed.
A significant contribution to the training of specialists was made by candidate of technical sciences., associate professor EA Ramazanov, who headed the Faculty of Technology. The list of his achievements includes the work of a deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Third and Fourth Convocations since 2004, an award with the Order of "Kurmet" (2005 and others).
Since 1995, the students of the Production of building materials, wares and structures direction began to teach: previously Ph.D. Doctor of Technical Sciences Kuatbaev A.K. in present Vice-Rector for Science and Development, “Caspian University”), previously candidate of technical sciences, at present Doctor of Technical Sciences Kolesnikova I.V., Ph.D. and etc..
School representatives candidate of technical sciences. Ibraimbaeva G. B., candidate of technical sciences. Estemesova A.S. received the title of "Best University Teacher, MES RK." Graduates of KazGASA candidate of technical sciences Orynbekov E.S., candidate of technical sciences Sartaev D.T. They also continue the best traditions of schools, teach at the bachelor's and master's program of Production of building materials, wares and structures.
Since the opening of the departments, the team has conducted successful developments in the field of polymer composite materials (the first sports synthetic coating in the USSR, “Arman”, which covered more than 100 of the largest stadiums in the USSR and coatings for livestock complexes, was developed, was known for the development of effective ceramics - gold-ceramic (development were introduced at a number of factories in Kazakhstan and Russia), as well as modified gypsum materials, functional additives for concrete.
In AASI-KazGASA, an inter-regional council for the defense of dissertations (Kazakhstan, Central Asia, southern Siberia) functioned on the specialty 05.23.05 - Building materials. Since 2019, representatives of scientists in the field of building materials technology have been included in the dissertation council of the IOC 6D073000 - “Architecture and Construction”.
Among the first issues of AASI (KazGASA in the specialty of Production of building materials, wares and structures in 1985 - leading experts, heads of enterprises and organizations: Ganina S.A. Vice-Rector for Science and Development, Caspian University, T. Shintemirov, Head of the Consortium, M.B Kozhakhmetov, Director of the BASF Branch in Nur Sultan. The main areas of scientific research at the department at present are: the development of highly functional concrete and effective ceramics based on local raw materials. Training branches for the PSMIK educational program are open at NIIistromproekt LLP, TsELSIM LLP, and Remstroytenika JSC.
«Technology of woodworking and wood products»
Specialty «Technology of woodworking and wood products» (by fields of application), (bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs)
The founder of this specialty is Anatoly Dmitrievich Shevchenko, candidate of forestry sciences, who in 1983 organized the educational process of this specialty and attracted specialists in furniture and woodworking industries. His invaluable work experience at the leading enterprises of Kazakhstan undoubtedly ensured the quality training of young woodworking specialists.
A great contribution to the development of the specialty «Technology of woodworking and wood products» (by application areas) was made by experienced manufacturers and teachers: Shilova L.M., Rogovaya V.G., Shestakova G.N., Vodoratskaya G.A., Ignatova N .I., Sharbakova L.Zh., Khadeev N.T., Kurmankulova G.E., candidate of technical sciences Usipbekov E.E., Baekenov A.K., candidate of technical sciences Espaeva A.S., candidate of technical sciences Shaltabaeva S.T., candidate of technical sciences Sambetbaeva A.K., candidate of technical sciences Kurmanbekova E.B. etc. Kurmanbekova E.B. received the title of "Best University Teacher, MES RK."
Experienced industrialists Shestakova G.N., Vodoratskaya G.A., Egemberdieva G.A., headed the department «Woodworking Technology and Chemistry» until 2005. From 2005 to 2017, this direction was headed by candidate of technical sciences., assoc. prof. Espaeva A.S.
Since September 2017, the direction has been headed by candidate of technical sciences., associate professor S. Shaltabaeva, candidate of technical sciences.
For students of the specialty «Technology of woodworking and wood products» equipped multimedia classrooms JSC «BASF - Central Asia», LLP «KNAUF», LLP Raise and K.
«Geodesy and cartography»
Specialty 3201 - “Applied Geodesy” was opened in 1987, at the initiative of a group of teachers: candidate of technical sciences.. Atrushkeevich P.A., candidate of technical sciences.. Sorokina G.A., candidate of technical sciences.. Kislova P.M., candidate of technical sciences.prof. N.B. Kalabaev, candidate of technical sciences.Ostropiko P.A., candidate of technical sciences.. Lototsky V.D., Kartasheva A.N., Barysheva L., Pilguk A.V., Makareevich A., Karelin O.V., Shchekuteeva M.A. and many others.
A great contribution to the development of the specialty «Applied Geodesy» was made by Ostropiko PA, Head of the Department in 1988-1994. Under his leadership, research was carried out in the Almaty geodynamic training ground to study the movement of the earth's crust, in the Kapchagai reservoir for the purpose of geodetic monitoring. Postgraduate studies in the specialty “Geodesy” were opened, groups with the Kazakh language of instruction were opened, the composition of the department was replenished, teachers were hired: candidate of technical sciences.Pentaev T.P., candidate of technical sciences.Isekeyeva G. B., Kerimbaev K., Degtyareva E.M., Kirilov S.V., Kenesbaeva A., Zemtsova A.V., Postrigan T.A., Omirzhanova Zh.T., Baydauletova G., Zhalilov L. ., Aliyev K., etc.
The department was divided and united repeatedly. At one time, the department was headed by candidate of technical sciences, Lototsky V.D., candidate of technical sciences, Sorokina G.A. and doctor of technical sciences Pentaev T.P.
During the years of transition to a multi-level training system, the introduction of a credit training system, the development of the first education standards, the department was headed by T.P Pentaev.
From 2009 to 2017, the direction was headed by candidate of technical sciences., assoc. prof. Omirzhanova Zh.T. Over the years, it can be noted the successful participation of the faculty in the international project "Tempus". The result of this project is the opening of two specialized classrooms equipped with computers and GIS programs ArcGIS and ERDAS, GPS receivers, electronic tacheometers, etc. Short-term courses on GIS technology and geodetic equipment were organized at the Royal Technical Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) and the University of Western Hungary (Szekesfehervar, Hungary).
From 2017 to the present, the direction «Geodesy and Cartography» is headed by candidate of technical sciences.assoc. prof. Kuznetsova I.A.
«Safety of Life’s Activity and Environmental Protection»
The first head of the department was c.t.s., assoc.prof. Sagimbayev GK, former deputy. chairman of the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh SSR, who in his time achieved the opening of 29 universities, including AASI.
Corresponding Member AS KazSSR d.t.s., professor Chulakov P.Ch. headed department from 1987 to 1991. The development of the teaching, methodical and scientific research work of the department is associated with his name. The concept of the students' ecological education was developed, a number of fundamentally new methodological instructions on engineering calculations in labor protection. As a young teacher with pleasure attended his studies, gaining experience in teaching methods and lecturing.
He had the special gift of expressing complex material with a simple accessible language, for which he was adored by students.
From 1992 to 2004 the department was headed by c.t.s., assoc.prof. Karpikov S.S., Zharaspayev M.T. and Kasenov K.M., who made a significant contribution to the development of the department.
Chair "Life and Law Safety" (1997)
In 1995, the specialty "Ergonomics and labor protection" was opened by c.t.s., assoc.prof Karpikov S.S. and the participation of the teaching staff of the department. In the same year, the first set of students for a specialty was made. In 1998 the department became a part of the Educational Scientific and Methodological Center for Emergency Situations, headed by c.t.s., assoc.prof. Botabekov A.K., who founded the specialty "Protection in Emergency Situations" and "Technical and Legal Expertise in Emergencies".
In this direction worked highly qualified teachers: Kasenov K.M., Zharaspayev M.T., Tazhigulova B.K., Shatanov A.A., Pochanov S.M., Slambaeva A.K., Kelemeshev A.A., Nurgabylov U.Sh., Azhieva G.I., Zharaspayeva G.Zh., Zhumagulova R.E., Seidaliev T.O., Dyusenova Zh.A., Kordakova N.I.
Now this direction is headed by c.t.s., assoc.prof. Tazhigulova B.K., she has been working since the foundation of KazGASA (1980).
«Economics and management in construction»
In 1990, the faculty "Management and business in construction" was formed, the Dean of the faculty was appointed candidate of technical sciences.., Adilov Zh.M. At different times, the heads of the departments were: Musin S.G., Scherbakov A.I., Kozachun G.U., Makhmudov H.L., Muktarova GB, Kosolapov G.V., Chan Chung Ngia, Sabataeva B. O., Amanbaev U.A., Esenberlina D.I., Adilova D.A., Daurbekova S.Zh., Tukhtamisheva A.Z. Since February 2020, this direction has been headed by K. Ilyasova.
A huge contribution to the development of the faculty was made by Professor Chan Chung Ngia, he worked from 1986 to 2009. Under his leadership, a whole galaxy of candidates and doctors of economic sciences came out.
At the faculty in the economic area, branches were opened at the enterprises of the city of Almaty, such large construction enterprises as National Holding Company Almatykurylys JSC, VEK Corporation JSC, Imstalkon JSC and others with the aim of undergoing internships for students and exchanging experience for teaching staff.