
Republican subject olympiad

specialty 5B073000 - "Production of building materials, products and structures" was held on April 28, 2020 at the West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical University named after Zhangir Khan.

In the Republican subject Olympiad on the specialty "Production of building materials, products and structures" among the 2, 3, 4 courses in the disciplines "Building materials" and "concrete Technology" in the state, Russian languages, 5 Universities of Kazakhstan took part 18 students.

According to the results of the Olympiad prizes were awarded:

in the discipline of Technology of concrete:

1st place

Suvorov Alexander, scientific supervisor: doctor of technical Sciences, academic prof. Kolesnikova Inna Vladimirovna - IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

2nd place

Dolinger Maxim A. scientific supervisor: doctor of technical Sciences, Acad. Prof. Kolesnikova Inna Vladimirovna - IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

Dauletov Nurasyl Alibekovich, scientific supervisor: candidate of technical Sciences Ristavletov Rahimberdi Amanovich – М.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

3rd place

- Zhanshora Aktolkyn Kudaibergenovna, scientific supervisor: doctor of technical Sciences, prof. Uderbayev Saken Sadenovich –
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

- Isabek Didar Kopzhasarova doctor of technical Sciences, Acad. Prof. Kolesnikova Inna Vladimirovna - IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

- Orazov Saken Abdullovich doctor of technical Sciences, Acad. Prof. Kolesnikova Inna Vladimirovna - IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

in the discipline of Construction materials:

1st place

- Babash Yerulan Muratuly, scientific supervisor: candidate of technical Sciences, Assoc. prof. Ibraimbaieva Gulnaz Bakkydyrovna. – IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

2nd place

- Ali Aydana Panabekkyzy, scientific supervisor: doctor of technical Sciences, prof. Uderbayev Saken Sadenovich –
Korkyt ATA Kyzylorda State University

- Mahmetova Zhanar Zhaksylykovna, scientific supervisor: candidate of technical Sciences, Assoc. prof. Ibraimbaieva Gulnaz Bakkydyrovna – IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

3rd place

- Anna V. Makarova, scientific supervisor: doctor of technical Sciences, prof. Olga Miryuk – Rudny industrial university

- Sharap Alina Arystanovna scientific supervisor: candidate of technical Sciences, Assoc. prof. Ibraimbaieva Gulnaz Bakkydyrovna. – IEC (Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering)

- Duisenbekova Assel Sayatovna scientific supervisor: candidate of technical Sciences, Kambarov Medetbek Abdildaevich, candidate of technical Sciences Ristavletov Rahimberdi Amanovich -  М.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University