The international review competition of final works is a competition organized within the framework of the International Festival of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Design schools of Eurasia, in which University students from the participating countries take part. The international review competition shares the best works of graduates and it is aimed at establishing ties and strengthening cooperation between universities in Eurasia.
The international review competition of final works is a competition organized within the framework of the International Festival of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Design schools of Eurasia, in which University students from the participating countries take part. The international review competition shares the best works of graduates and it is aimed at establishing ties and strengthening cooperation between universities in Eurasia.
Every year, graduate works in the specialties "Architecture", "Design", "Construction", "Production of building materials, products and structures", "Geodesy and Cartography", etc., participates in the International review competition.
The winners of the contest, who took first, second and third places in their categories, are awarded with diplomas. At the end of the Festival, the organizers release a catalog of the international festival in which the projects of the nominees are published.
The jury and nominees of the International Review Competition-2021
Architecture: Composition of the jury / Nominees
Design: Jury composition / Nominees
Construction: Composition of the jury / Nominees
Production of building materials, products and structures: Composition of the jury / Nominees
Geodesy and cartography, Land Management and Cadastre: Composition of the jury / Nominees