Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KazGASA) on the basis of agreements concluded cooperates with the following foreign universities and organizations:
- Morehead State University - www.moreheadstate.edu
Great Britain
- Barnsley College - https://www.barnsley.ac.uk/
- Technical University of Berlin, Faculty VI - www.tu-berlin.de/menue/home
- University of Applied Research (Erfurt) - www.fh-erfurt.de
- EBZ Business School GmbH - https://www.ebz-business-school.de/
- Modern Educational and Research Institute - http://moderneducationinstitute.com/
- University of “La Sapienza” (Rome) - www.uniroma1.it/it
- Institute of European Design (Milan) - www.ied.it
- Polytechnic University of Bari - www.poliba.it
- Romualdo del Bianco Foundation (Florence) - www.fondazione-delbianco.org/en
- University of Florence (Florence) - https://www.unifi.it/
- Polytechnic University of Valencia - www.upv.es
- International University of Catalonia in Barcelona - https://www.uic.es/en
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics - http://www.bme.hu/
- University of Western Hungary - http://www.uniwest.hu
- Budapest Metropolitan University - https://www.metubudapest.hu/
- Lublin University of Technology - http://en.pollub.pl/
- Bialystok University of Technology - https://pb.edu.pl/en/
- Czestochowa Polytechnic University - http://pcz.pl/english
- Krakow University of Technology - https://www.pk.edu.pl/
16. Sofia University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy - www.uacg.bg
17. Free University of Varna "Chernorizets Hrabar" - https://www.vfu.bg/ru/
18. Kaunas College of Technology - www.kaunokolegija.lt
19. Vilnius College of Technology and Design - www.vtdko.lt
20. Riga Technical University - https://www.rtu.lv/en
21. Estonian Academy of Art - https://www.artun.ee
22 Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice (Prague) - http://www.vstecb.cz/en/
23. Gerge Asaki Jas Technical University - http://www.tuiasi.ro
24. Saxon University - www.saxion.edu
25. Ariel University - ttps://www.ariel.ac.il/wp/en/
26. Helwan University - http://www.helwan.edu.eg
27. Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts (Istanbul) - www.msgsu.edu.tr
28. Yıldız Technical University (Istanbul) - http://www.yildiz.edu.tr/en
27. Istanbul Technical University - www.itu.edu.tr
29. Erzurum Technical University - https://www.erzurum.edu.tr/
30. Hitit University - http://www.hitit.edu.tr/
31. Agri Ibrahim Gegen University - https://www.agri.edu.tr/
32. Union of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic World – www.tdmmb.org.tr/tr
33. TURKSOY - www.turksoy.org/ru
34. Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi -https://www.alanya.edu.tr/
35. Akdeniz University - http://en.akdeniz.edu.tr/
36. Sakarya University - http://www.sakarya.edu.tr/
37. Kastamonu University - https://www.kastamonu.edu.tr/
38. Suleyman Demirel University - https://w3.sdu.edu.tr/
39. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering - www.mgsu.ru
40. Moscow Architectural Institute - www.marhi.ru
41. Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry - https://mghpu.ru/
42. Moscow State Forest University - www.mf.bmstu.ru
43. KNAUF Group in the CIS - www.knauf.ru
44. Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy - www.sibadi.org
45. Siberian State Technological University - www.sibsau.ru
46. Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences - www.raasn.ru
47. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering - www.tsuab.ru
48. Volga State University of Service (Tolyatti) - www.tolgas.ru
49. St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering - www.spbgasu.ru
50. St. Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute - www.spbstu.ru
51. St. Petersburg State University of Railways and Communications - https://www.pgups.ru/
52. Siberian Federal University - www.sfu-kras.ru
53. Ufa State Petroleum Technical University - www.rusoil.net
54. Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin - www.sstu.ru
55. All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics - www.vniite.ru
56. Samara State Technical University -www.samgasu.ru/af
57. Ivanovo State Polytechnic University - https://ivgpu.com/
58. Volgograd State University - www.volsu.ru
59. Volgograd State Technical University - www.vgasu.ru
60. Togliatti State University - https://www.tltsu.ru/
61. Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering -http://www.sibstrin.ru
62. Penza State University of Architecture and Construction - www.pguas.ru
63. Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin - https://urfu.ru/ru/
64. Russian Chemical-Technological University named after Mendeleev - https://muctr.ru/
65. Siberian State Geodetic Academy - http://sgugit.ru/
66. Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts - https://www.usaaa.ru
67. Northeast Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov - www.s-vfu.ru
68. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - www.ranepa.ru/
69. Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin (RF) - https://www.syktsu.ru/
70. Don State Technical University - https://donstu.ru/
71. Technical University of Moldova - https://utm.md/ru/
72. Donbass State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture - www.donnasa.ru
73. Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture -
74. Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University - http://kipu-rc.ru/
75. Georgian Technical University (Tbilisi) - www.gtu.edu.ge
76. Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction - www.azmiu.edu.az
77. Brest State Technical University - http://www.bstu.by/
South Korea
78. Seoul University - www.uos.ac.kr/main.do
79. Dong-A University College of Engineering (Busan) - www.donga.ac.kr
80. Korea National University of Transport - www.ita-knut.com
81. Saga University - http://www.saga-u.ac.jp/english/
82. Hachinohe Institute of Technology - https://www.hi-tech.ac.jp/eng
83. Changan University - http://en.chd.edu.cn/
84. Кyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanova - http://www.cdeksucta.kg/
85. Osh State University - www.oshsu.kg
86. Тashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering - www.taqi.uz
87. Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering - www.samgasi.uz
88. Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute - www.tayi.uz
89. Art Studies Academy of Sciences - http://www.academy.uz/ru
90. Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute - http://bmti.uz/
91.Тajik Technical University named after academician M.S.Osimi - http://ttu.tj/ru