Purpose: monitoring public opinion of students


1) a systematic study of public opinion of students by the students themselves.

2) gaining research experience and skills:

• ability to formulate research goals and objectives;

• preparation of tools (questionnaires);

• literary skills;

• experience in processing information;

• experience in writing an analytical report;

• experience in writing and writing a scientific article.

3) the development of methods and techniques of sociological research.

Club members: most active students

Frequency: 1 time per week, consultations and reports on the stages of work on the project.

Head of the club: Kassymova Leila Nurgasievna

The results of the Club "Student Opinion":

2018 -2019 year:

** Participants of Club «Student's Opinion» Kenesov O.A, Kosherov Sh.B., Iskanderova A.T (faculty of architecture, 3 year) conducted a sociological study on the topic "Features of the legal culture of students."

More than 100 students were interviewed.

Students made their results at the XIX Republican scientific student conference of the IEC “Student and science: a look into the future” (april 18-19, 2019) and took the1st place.

** Nurtayeva A.K., Karimsalieva A.A., 2nd year students of the faculty of architecture conducted a study on the topic "Social aspects of urbanization using the example of the Medeu district." 50 people were interviewed.

Reporting at the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists of the IEC “Innovative knowledge in modern higher education in Kazakhstan” (april 25, 2019), students also won the 2nd prize.


2019-2020 year:

** The Club «Student's Opinion»  annually attracts the most active students who want to engage in a research work. This academic year, students of the Faculty of Architecture chose topics such as “The Yat phenomenon”, “Problems of large families”, “Attitude of youth to marriage and family”, “Spiritual values ​​of youth”.

On November 25, 2019, among the students of the faculty of architecture of the kazakh branch, a focus group discussion was held on the topic “The Yat phenomenon”. The topic aroused great interest.


Bultbaev Nurbek, conducted a study on this topic, interviewed 70 people and spoke at the Student Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Student and Science: A Look into the Future" (April, 2020).

The student won a prize and published a scientific article.

Also, Bultbaev N. spoke at the Republican round table "Modernization of professional strategies of Kazakhstani youth" in the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, where he also won one of the prizes.

** The work of the club is covered in the articles:

- “Formation of the spiritual identity of students of KazGASA”,, 14.04.2020 y.

 - “The role of social and humanitarian sciences in KazGASA”, IOC newspaper
«Architecture and construction», № 2, February, 2020 y.//


**Students, club leaders:

1. Bultbaev Nurbek

2.Zholdas Diana

3.Turlybek Arman

4.Samuratova Camilla

**A rough list of topics:

1. The choice of profession and the role of family traditions in this choice

2. Idols and values ​​of modern youth

3. Virtualization of youth social activity

4. Attitude of modern youth to marriage and family

5. Problems of labor education of youth

6. Professional self-determination of youth

7. Gender socialization of youth

8. Problems of large families

The members of "Student’s Opinion" club (supervisor - associate professor, DGED L.N. Kassymova) took part in the focus group discussion on February 26 on the topic "The impact of pandemic on the education system of KazGASA". Focus groups are the part of scientific project and they are one of the methods of collecting sociological information for further scientific work. The moderators were 2nd year students Eminа Aliyeva (group Arch 19-11) and Yana Yakubova (Diz AD 19-8). Students shared their impressions of the difficulties and problems they faced during the period of distance learning, the peculiarities of adaptation period. There were also suggestions to improve the portal and the quality of training. The discussion was held in an interactive format.