Student committee
Student committee

The Committee of the student youth is public organization working in the field of youth policy, organizing creative and public life of the students of KazGASA.

Aims of Committee activity are to promote the educational process, organization of various events and leisure activities of Academy student's youth.

The Committee student youth has his Radio Studio in which we highlight the student life of the Academy.

The work of the Committee is conducted under the comprehensive plan of extracurricular work and social protection of students of KazGASA, coordinated with the city, republican organizations.

Leisure of students which organized by SYC with the help of advisors diverse and filled with all sorts of activities. These are competitions CFI (club of funny and inventive), a beauty contest «Miss KazGASA», contest «Zhigit Sultany», festival «Spring in KazGASA», «Nauryz» and others, clubs operate In Academy (commands of CFI, dance groups, rock ensembles, performers of folk and modern songs, and others), lectures, sports sections. The participants of Amateur performances took prizes at various events of the district, city and Republican level.


Temirlan Koshbaev
 Chairman of Student Youth Committee


Tanatarov Danial
Student Dean Of Department of Architecture
Murat Sabina
Student Dean Of Department of Design
+7 747 176 4320



Ryskaliyeva Kuralay Yerlanqyzy
Student Dean of Department of General Construction
8 707 131 73 40


Zhumangazyuly Kuanysh
Student Dean Of Department of Сonstruction Technologies, Infrastructure and Management 