KazGASA is carrying out a set of measures aimed at the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the student community, that is, maintaining and strengthening the system of values reflecting intolerance to corruption, including the formation of students' desire to comply with the requirements of laws, increase the educational and cultural level .

The head of the club: Bogenbaeva Asem Kabidenovna

1. General provisions

The Student Club “Students Without Corruption” is a voluntary association of students to achieve the goals and objectives stipulated by this regulation.

In its activities, this student club is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the IOC statutory documents.

The general management and control of the  Students without Corruption Club is carried out by the IOC Vice-Rector for Educational Work.

  1. Goals, objectives and functions of the club

Purpose: the formation of anti-corruption thinking and anti-corruption behavior among students, a knowledge system on combating corruption and the development on this basis of a civic position in relation to this phenomenon.

Tasks: the prevention of corruption, the elimination of the causes and conditions that create it, the creation of an atmosphere of intolerance towards any manifestations of corruption, the education of the values ​​and attitudes necessary for the formation of intolerance to corruption.

Expected results: the implementation of measures aimed at spiritual - moral and civil-patriotic education, the formation of political and legal knowledge among students, the formation of moral and ethical value principles of anti-corruption behavior among students.

3. Organization of student club activities

The club consists of students of 1-3 courses, the coordinator of the club is Shakiman Ali Khan.


Club events for the 2019-2020 academic year

Name of event

The form



«The legal culture of society as a condition for the prevention of corruption»

Brain ring



«Youth without corruption»

Round table



«Actual problems of anti-corruption policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Interuniversity Conference



The formation of an anti-corruption worldview among students

Meeting with the head of the project office  «Sanaly Urpak»



 «Opinion study   on subject   tolerance

to manifestations   corruption»




«Education without corruption»

Round table



«We are against corruption»

Creative contest
