Extra curricular work
Extra curricular work

Music festival "Unity and brotherhood"

On February 26, 2020 at KazGASA was held the music festival "Unity and Brotherhood" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK). The event was attended by 1st and 2nd year students of KazGASA StANK (Student Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of Kazakh Leading Academy of Architectural and Civil Engineering).

The festival was opened by the Presentation of the Chairman of KazGASA StANK Koshbayev Temirlan. He congratulated all guests and participants on the upcoming anniversary of the formation of the APK, noted the main goals and objectives of the Assembly, highlighted that the APK has a constitutional status and implements state national policy.

“The children of the Great Steppe Country with their mother’s milk absorbed the diversity of cultures, the values of representatives of various ethnic groups and faiths. This was taught to us by history and our ancestors. Ethnic diversity is not the weakness of our country, but its wealth.” These words of Elbasy are absolutely fair and always important, because the more countries will use the unique experience of interethnic consent of our country, the safer the world will be. The history of the Assembly is the history of our friendship and stability.

KazGASA StANK brings together representatives of 14 nations and nationalities, promotes the wide dissemination of knowledge about the history and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan, introduces the traditions and identities of each ethnic group of Kazakhstan, helps to further strengthen among students a respectful attitude to the cultural traditions, language and values of all ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan.

At the evening sounded poems of Yermekov Yelzhan’s (gr.TDO-19-1*),  and Bashkirtseva Albina’s (gr.DG-19-6) own composition; songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Uighur and other languages performed by Kirkabak Aydos, Serikov Madiyar, Yusupova Zarina, Usengali Bekarys, Sheryak Yekaterina, Kalimzhanov Yelaman, Meldebekov Alnur.

The dances of the peoples of Kazakhstan were presented: a foot-tapping lezghinka performed by a group of dancers led by Tatarov Amir, a Uighur dance by Kenes Akbota, a Kazakh dance performed by Ruslanova Aktolkyn and Yesmagambetova Aygerim, the festival ended with a common dance of Kara-jorga, which all participants of the event enjoyed performing.

The particular interest сaused the defile of the Academy’s most beautiful girls in national costumes. Students with great pleasure showed their abilities and talents. There are a lot of creative and artistic students at our academy and the music festival is a vivid confirmation of this.

Anniversary tournament in  KazGASA

February 24, 2020

On February 24, 2020, in order to develop mass physical culture and sports, to strengthen the health of employees of KazGASA and to form a healthy lifestyle, the 20th anniversary sports contest was held among the staff of KazGASA and employees  under the general supervision of vice-rector for external relations and student affairs E. S. Ayanbayev and the dean of the DGED Zh. S. Takenova which was actively attended by the teams of the DGC, DCTIM, DD,DA, DGED, College of KazGASA, Lyceum of KazGASA and employees of KazGASA.

The traditional sports contest was held in 6 types of sports: volleyball, draughts, table tennis, mantle, Darts, and basketball.

Opening the Games, the Vice-rector of the academy congratulated the participants and wished them good luck and the will to win.

 The contest was an unforgettable event for each participant and gave a vivid impression. Everyone was very happy with their participation in the Games, and the winners and participants were awarded certificates and gifts.

At the end of the Games, the winners and runners-up in the team competition were the teams:

3 place – the team of DGC

2nd place-the College of  KazGASA

1st place – the staff of KazGASA

A place where they find love

Thanksgiving day in Kazakhstan began to be celebrated in 2019. This holiday is celebrated on the 1st of March on the first day of spring. On this day, you can thank your friend, relative, girlfriend, teachers, parents. You can give a small gift and say beautiful words.

First-year students of the groups Arch-19 *, RPZS-19-1 * decided to meet and thank the parents of children with disabilities at ARDI (Association of Parents of Children with Disabilities). They wanted to get acquainted with the center, to see how things were, to find out what kind of help was needed. Students had a tour of the ARDI center. To be honest, it was quite hard. We admire the people who created this center and work there! We admire parents who take disabled children to this center, engaged with them and believe in success.

Students prepared a small gala concert and handed out small gifts..

Helping others perfect yourself

Оn February 3, 2020, KazGASA volunteers together with the actress of the Youth Theater named after Gabit Musrepov visited the regional orphanage No. 1. The sensations of arrival still make you experience various emotions - from pity to the children who have been deprived of life, to hope from the realization that children are the flowers of life, and our future will stand on them.
For this event, children's toys were prepared, which students of the academy voluntarily shared and the necessary products for children were purchased. There was also a show program, as a result of which students tested themselves as animators and made their own conclusions.
Any child sincerely dreams of affection and attention. He wants to be necessary and important in life, every child deserves it, but there are different situations where many children are left without parental love and care, without support and a strong shoulder that you can cry about. In this they try to help the baby house. And our volunteer activity is associated with such a human quality as charity, which is aimed at helping these orphans and children left without parental care.
Children there are definitely different from other children who live in full-fledged families. But this does not diminish their human qualities at all, but on the contrary elevates them in many aspects. To help and support these children is much more pleasant. They give positive emotions, smiles and good mood. These children are more sociable and socially adapted. It is much easier to start a dialogue with them, and they will always answer you sincerely and openly. Although they live without parents, there is no loneliness in the eyes of children, because their souls are filled with friends, who are many in the orphanage ...
Well, we, students of KazGASA, from the bottom of our hearts wish that each child living in the orphanage be told: "Dress, mother came for you ..."

Let’s sing English songs

On September 29, 2020, an event “Let’s sing English songs” was held at DGED within the framework of “English club” where 1st and 2nd year students of the Department of Architecture performed songs in English. The event was organized by Nurgaliyeva A.Zh., Karybayeva G.A.,  DGED, assistant professors. At this event, we listened to the songs performed by such talented students of the Department of Architecture as Anara Kylyshbayeva, Kazyna Ibragim, Markhaba Aitbayeva, Sarah Zhenisova, Dinara Asetova, Erkezhan Asemkhanova, Zhanel Keles, Zhuldyz Berdenova. At the end of event, a quiz on the knowledge of popular English songs among teachers and students was held, where the teacher of DGED, assistant professor G.K. Dayrabekova and 2nd year student of DA Aruna Serik showed a good knowledge of songs.

The Legacy of Alisher Navoi

In Uzbekistan, 2021 has been declared the Year of Alisher Navoi, which marks the 580th anniversary of his birth. However, events and scientific conferences about his work are held not only in the republic, but also far beyond its borders.

February 17, 2021 a literary conference "The Legacy of Alisher Navoi" was held at the Kazakh Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, online, under the guidance of teachers of the Russian language DGE. The conference was dedicated to the creative heritage of Alisher Navoi. The participants got acquainted with interesting facts from the life of the poet, aphorisms. Students read poetry, prepared interesting presentations. The performances of students were especially noted: Niyazbek G (ATU, group VTPO20-11), Turatbek N (ATU, group GMU201). Abdinur A. (IEC.gr.Arkh20-1 *), Tokanova D. (IEC, group Diz20-1), Shyngysbaeva T., Sapargali D. (IEC, group Arch20-4), Erkenkyzy A. (IEC, group Arch204) A., Userbaev (IEC, group RPZS19-3 *, Maratova A, Maraikyzy (IEC, group EMC20-2 *).

The participants noted that the poet and humanist is deeply revered all over the world, and his creative heritage is considered a huge, inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom and humanistic knowledge of the world around him. His works are truly a treasury of world significance. The work of Alisher Navoi is still of interest all over the world, as evidenced by the translations of the works of the great poet into different languages ​​of the world. Alisher Navoi was truly a folk poet. In his poems, he glorified the best human qualities. He magnified people of duty, love, friendship, patriotism. He sang the Motherland and peace throughout the world.

Man, Warrior, Writer Baurzhan Momyshuly at the International Educational Corporation 

On 26 February 2021 Russian language teachers held a literary event  "Man, Warrior, Writer Baurzhan Momyshuly at the International Educational Corporation ". The purpose of the evening was to reveal the heroic feat of the hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, education of moral qualities,  sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, to foster a gratitude sense. Raising love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past. In the event took part lecturer of the Central Museum Marat Baiganatov, journalist of KAZINFO. teacher of the republican school "Zhas Ulan" Bakhytgul Ganieva, pupils of this school, students of the school-lyceum №131 named after Baurzhan Momyshuly, students of  the 1.and 2. courses of the International Educational Corporation. Marat Baiganatov spoke about the exhibits that are kept in the city museum, about the photographs and archival documents of the great commander. During the meeting, the participants spoke about an outstanding personality of a talented military leader, writer, founder of military educational literature, about his life position, wise and well-aimed statements that have not lost their relevance today. The teacher of the republican school "Zhas Ulan" Bakhytgul Ganieva shared the experience of the school in studying the life and work of Baurzhan Momyshuly. 10th grade pupil Sagidulla A., pupils of   Zhas Ulan school named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, students of the International Educational Corporation prepared presentations, read poems and aphorisms of the great commander, told interesting facts from his life.

                                                                                                                Teachers of Russian language

The Day of Gratitude in society

On the recommendation of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education No. ex 14-2-377 BN dated 26.02.2021, the social and humanitarian direction of the Faculty of general educational disciplines of the KazGASA held online lectures to students on March 01 and 02, 2021, as part of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program to strengthen the significance of the Day of Gratitude in society. Such lectures educate the youth in the spirit of patriotism, respect for the history and culture of Kazakhstan, commitment to solidarity, friendship and mutual support.

Lectures on the topics "Rukhani zhangyru-a look into the future-modernization of the public consciousness of students", "Cultural heritage of the Great Steppe", "Kazakhstan – our common home" were delivered by leading teachers at the Faculties of Architecture, Design and Construction, associate professors Kabilova R. H., Kasymova L. N., assistant professors Nusipova A. U., Nuralina B. A.