Life of the Faculty

The department of general educational disciplines


The department provides fundamental training of students in Kazakh, English, Russian languages, natural science, social and humanitarian cycle and physical education. The department conducts a lot of scientific work of teachers: every year, Republican and interuniversity methodological seminars are organized on topical issues of natural science and social science, intensive language training and modern methods of teaching General education subjects.

Teachers of the department have repeatedly won the Republican contest "Best teacher of the year".

The department fruitfully cooperates with representatives of URSA Eurasia (Saint Petersburg) in Kazakhstan and the acoustic group (Moscow) in Kazakhstan - on the use of thermal insulation and acoustic building materials; with colleagues from the research Institute of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other universities in the field of research and teaching activities of MGSU (Russia), TGASU (Russia), TTU (Estonia), KGUSTA named after N. I. Lobachevsky. Isanova (KR), Suleyman Demirel University (Turkey), State Technical University (Georgia), Lund University (Sweden) Innsbruck (Austria).

A lot of work is being done to introduce trilingualism: the department has developed and implemented in the educational process “universal criteria for comprehensive assessment of languages”, " language Complex” for five levels of training in Kazakh, English and Russian.

There are various circles of interest for students at DGED: “Tarikh Murasy”, “Student’s scientific society”, “Students without corruption”, “Sports territory”, “Modern information technologies”, “Student Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan”, “Zhastar zhane kogam”, discussion club "President“, club “UNICUM”, “Asyl soz”, “Student's opinion”, “English club”, “Experts".

Every year, the department organizes the start of a research project for gifted students at the “University start” and conducts subject Olympiads in languages, history, mathematics, physics and computer science, as well as sports competitions and competitions among students, staff and teachers of the Academy.

Since 2018, the project office "Rukhani zhangyru" has been opened at KazGASA, the purpose of which is to highlight and popularize the main directions of spiritual revival of public consciousness.

The project office coordinates the work of all departments aimed at implementing the program at KazGASA, which is aimed at reviving spiritual values among students, taking into account all modern risks and challenges of globalization. Special attention is paid to the implementation of measures that increase the competitiveness of graduates and their demand in the modern labor market, and all new educational programs being developed are aimed at this. Departments in their work, starting with the preparation of young people for the subjects of lectures, practical classes and theses, pay special attention to the preservation of national identity. Special events are being developed to promote the cult of knowledge-from seminars on personal development to meetings with interesting people who have achieved success or overcome difficulties encountered in their life due to their willpower and constant desire for new things. In its work, the project office actively attracts a Committee of students and activists who show their openness to consciousness and implement various charitable actions, initiate and participate in the volunteer movement. The project office attracts city and national organizations that support the spirit of students and help to implement the planned projects within the framework of the "Ruhani zhangyru" program. Students and teachers of Kazgasa support the initiatives and projects of the U38 University Alliance and actively participate in city events implemented by the mayor's office of Almaty.


Webinars: “Rukhani zhagyru and the future of social and political  development”

 Webinars: “Modern aspects of the national education of future specialists in the context of the national idea“ Mangilik El ”

 Webinars: in the frame of  “Ruhany zhangury" programme “The second teacher of the world”

 Webinars: “Spiritual values ​​of the peoples of Kazakhstan”

 Webinars: “Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

 Webinars: “Religion as a Factor of Spiritual Culture: Problems and Prospects”

 Webinars: “Philosophy of Abay”

 Webinar- discussion

 Webinars: “The policy of the formation of a new historical consciousness and worldview of the people of the Great Steppe”

 Webinars: “The essence of the modernization of public consciousness of Kazakh society in the 21st century”

 Conference: “Historical aspects of the international agreement on the Kazakh land"

 Conference: "Kazakhstan – is a country which is recognized by modern world"

 Online discussion "Development of the hero’s institute in the Great land and the role of upbringing of the youth’s soul within historical aspects"

 Project: “Project 100 new books- discussion about the books published in the social sciences ”

 Online-round table "Al-Farabi and modern world"

 Videos: “We are together!!!”, “175th anniversary of Abay”, “75 years of the Great Victory”

 Round table: “Heroic pages of the history of the Second World War. We are proud of the glory of the heroes of Kazakhstan ”

Charity events: “Children's Home-Shelters”, “House of Students”

Among the winners of the competition "The best teacher of the university of Kazakhstan" – teachers of the DGED

Buganova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Ph.D., assoc. prof. ofDGED

«The best teacher of the university of Kazakhstan » - 2017year.









Suleymenova Kymbat Kasymovna

Ph.D., assoc. prof. of DGED

«The best teacher of the university of Kazakhstan » - 2018г.








Abilova Batzhamal Aikenovna

Ph.D., assoc. prof. of DGED

«The best teacher of the university of Kazakhstan » - 2018г.








KazGASA students at the "Idea for a million" presentation of innovative projects


On April 25-26 “Zhas Tolgyn” competition took place in Almaty within the framework of the 5th republican “New generation is future of Kazakhstan” students’ festival. Festival is organized by the Foundation of the First President, Leader of nation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of this project is to involve students in the scientific field.

Representatives of seven universities from Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Aktobe, Karaganda and Pavlodar are strived for “the country’s best student team” title. Among the competition tasks of Olympiad there were presidential tests on physical training, testing in general educational disciplines, presentation of videos about students life and defense of "Idea for million" innovative projects.

Students from all over Kazakhstan came with their projects such as: national food products production, financial literacy increasing board game, a phyto wall, separate garbage collection system, website for helping low-income families, and healthy food buffet.

The main and most difficult task of the Olympiad was defenсe of innovative projects. Our team "Generators" were presented by 1-st and 2-nd course students Asylbek Kharun-Rashid, Tursynov Batyrzhan, Serzhan Mukhametzhanov, Sotsial Aishat, Saparbek Madina under the leadership of associate professor of DGED Sydykova D.K. and assistant professor J.A. Kalybekova who presented the project “WILL -  wide accessible atmospheric generator”. Among other students it is worth to mention Asylbek Harun-Rashid who was nominated as the best speaker and Tursynov Batyrzhan who set a record during the sports competition and made 220 squats.

It was not easy for our students to get used to the role of an entrepreneur or a start-upper and to defense their business project before a high level jury. But we managed - WE DID IT!!!

Our team won the 2nd place and set a goal to win the grand prize and get a million next year.

“Physical Regatta”

In honor of the international day π on March 14, 2019, the department of general education disciplines (DGED) of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil engineering organized an intellectual show “Physical Regatta” among the teams of universities in Almaty.

10 teams from various universities of the city took part in the qualifying round. They took part in races of the “Physical Regatta” in a gambling and competitive environment. In the second round, the contest continued in the format of intellectual games “What? Where? When?". In the final round, the struggle continued in the same pleasantly tense situation and the teams went with approximately equal results, and again the number of teams of applicants did not decrease.

The results of intellectual games between student teams of universities of the city of Almaty ended with the following results:

1 place - KazNU named after Al-Farabi

2 place - AUEC and KazGASA,

3 place - KazZhPU, KazATC and KazNAU.

 Participants and guests of the competition received a powerful positive charge.

There were words not only with congratulations from guests and prize-winners of the competition, but also words of gratitude to the organizers.

It should be noted the initiative and creativity of 1st year students of the Department of General Construction (DGC), who pleased with their collective and responsible attitude to the common cause, thanks to  the organizers, Aimagambetova Z. T., Kulimova R.Yu., and Nusipovа A. O. it was possible to consider all the nuances of the event and make a celebration of intelligence.

In the course of cooperation with young people it was possible to get motivation to implement further ambitious plans.

Participants of the intellectual show offered to continue this tradition and hold an annual competition at the sites of various universities. If in the course of the competition there was a vital healthy spirit, in the end of the competition students sang  an anthem "Sagyndym Almatymdy".

"Dara Zhol"

 1 April 2019 students of architecture and civil engineering took part in the project "Dara Zhol" on TV "Kazakhstan" with the participation of Baimenova Kuralay, head of the "Center of support of paralyzed citizens of Aktobe" - the activity of which is known in the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan, the organization that helps to solve many livelihood issues of the poor with disabilities.

The example of the courageous heroine of the program gave a great impetus to development, because her example inspires active actions to use her potential and to help people with disabilities to develop and realize their potential. Recently, the Republic began to develop projects and create conditions for the movement of people with disabilities, so that they can participate on an equal basis with all and visit not only educational and medical institutions, but also cinemas and other institutions where cultural events are held. Assistant  professor(DGED)  Kulimova R. Yu.  in her speech said that the academy makes a significant contribution to solving this problem by teaching students to design buildings with a view to create conditions for a barrier-free environment. KazGASA is one of the few academies that introduces the issues of development of inclusive education in the educational process. Our undergraduates and graduates actively shared their experiences and talked about their final works, which developed this theme.

Opening of the Philosophical Club “LOGOS”

03/28/2019 was the opening of the “LOGOS” philosophical club for all college and undergraduate students. The aim of the club is to expand the possibilities of knowledge. The main directions and tasks of the club are the development of mental ability, oratory and dispute technique, knowledge of the new, unknown, deep. This, in turn, will help our students to form ideas about the main worldview problems of nature, society and man, develop logical argumentation skills, prove their point of view, learn various dispute techniques and gain practical experience in their application, develop effective self-management and self-presentation skills.

The hallmark of the club is professionalism, informativeness, relevance of the issues raised, accessibility, originality of topics and ways of presentation.

Club mission: building bridges between humanitarian and technical knowledge.

The relevance of the club’s program consists in deeply understanding the meaning of modern knowledge of philosophy, acquiring reflection skills on philosophical questions aimed at improving the level of social and humanitarian knowledge and social education of the young generation.

In modern society, as never before, wide-educated specialists are required, capable of active creative participation in state and legal life, possessing the proper political and legal culture and social literacy, thinking in the best traditions of a philosophical worldview.

The interesting topics will be discussed at the club “LOGOS”: “Philosophy for life: reality, ethics and soul”; “Logical puzzles: approaches to solving and practice”; “Philosophical views and Architectural fantasies: an image of the future”; "The culture of the spirit is philosophy"; “You created the night - I lit the lamp, You created clay - I made the cup”; “The Phenomenon of Intuition, the Phenomenon of Faith, the Phenomenon of Knowledge, the Phenomenon of Wisdom and reflection on it”, etc.

The doors to the philosophical club are always open. Welcome!