Department of general educational disciplines (DGED) was established in 2017 on the basis of order №Б421 dated 2 October, 2017.
This department is formed from the merger of two departments - Department of general humanitarian training (DGHT) and the Department of general natural scientific training (DGNST).
Department of General humanitarian training (DGHT) was founded in 2005 according to the order №25 dated 3 May 2005 "Restructuring of structural academic subdivisions at the academy" on the base of the Department of general training (DGT) (2000-2005) which joined the chair of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages, and the chair of social sciences. Deans of DGT were Abishev A.K. (2000-2004) and Nugmanov K.B. (2004-2005).
The first dean of DGHT was associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Adilbayeva U.B. (2005-2007). 2007-2016 – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Shyntaeva N.S. 2016-2017 – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Zhumadil A.K. From May to October 2017 - candidate of philosophy, associate professor Kabilova R.Kh.
In May 2005 Department of general natural scientific training was founded on the basis of chairs "Higher mathematics and physics", "Information systems" and "Physical education" according to the order № 25 dated 6 May, 2005 "Restructuring of structural academic subdivisions at the academy".
"Higher mathematics and physics" was organized in March 2000 on the basis of two chairs: "Higher mathematics" and "Physics".
At different times the chair of "Higher Mathematics" was headed by Iskakbaev A.I. (1980-1985), Abdybaev Z.A. (1985-1987), Kuralbaev Z.K. (1987-1988), Aidosov G.A.(1988-1989) and Otarbayev Zh.O. (1989-2000). Chair of "Physics" - Rostorguev V.A. (1980-1983), Alpysbaeva A.A. (1983-1989) and Omarov S.S. (1989-2000).
In 2000 two departments were merged into the chair "Higher mathematics and physics", headed by the doctor of technical sciences, professor Otarbayev Zh.O. 2001-2004 the chair was headed by the doctor of technical sciences, professor Omarov S.S.
At the end of 2003-2004 academic year, the chair was renamed to the chair of “Physics and mathematics”.
Another important chair at the department was the chair of “Applied mathematics”. The first head of the chair was approved by associate professor Shankibaev B.N. 7 teachers worked at the chair, including three candidates of physical and mathematical sciences (Shankibaev B.N., Alishev S.A., Kuralbaev Z.K.). At the chair, a computer center was created under the leadership of Shumilov V.I. on the basis of the EC-1022 computer. From September 1985, the chair was headed by professor Kuralbaev Z.K., from February 2001 to May 2004, the chair was headed by associate professor Nugmanov K.B. From 2004, the head of the department was appointed candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Kurmankozhayeva A.A. In 2000 the chair was named "Informatics and computer engineering" by the order of the rector. In 2003 the chair was renamed in "Information systems".
At the head of the department was also a candidate of technical sciences, an associate professor Svetlana Nikolaevna Buganova.
The dean of the newly formed Department of General Education Disciplines (DGED) from the moment of its foundation till September 2019 was c.t.s, Associate Professor Aymagambetova Zaure Tulenovna.
From September 2018 to February 2019 the dean was assistant professor Mangazina Zhanel Rauliyevna.
From February 1, 2019 to July 2020, the faculty was headed by Takenova Zhanar Sarsenbaevna. Since July 2020, Gakrama Kalamkas Muratovna has been appointed dean.
The mission of the department is to ensure the high quality of humanitarian, social and scientific education, which contributes to the formation of a fully developed and harmonious personality of future KazGASA specialist; assistance to the spiritual and moral and civic-patriotic education of youth in the framework of implementation of the programs "Rukhani zhangyru", "Mangilik El" and "Digital Kazakhstan".
The purpose of establishing the Department of general educational disciplines is systematically train students in natural sciences and social and humanitarian subjects, as well as to increase the physical education of young people.
Teachers, who have a solid teaching experience, carry out active methodological and scientific activities. Within the department, sections monthly hold methodological seminars to discuss innovative methods of teaching the disciplines of basic, applied and socio-humanitarian cycle.
One of the traditions of the department is the unity of the collective in solving problems of the process of education, in holding annual scientific and practical conferences, olympiads for school leavers in different subjects.