One of the key objectives of the strategy of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering is to create conditions for scientific, scientific and technical creativity, to ensure the attractiveness of the career of a scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur.
The university has created an international and competitive scientific environment with a high level of publications and the receipt of patents, copyright certificates, the implementation of projects at the international and republican levels, a scientific laboratory complex and a design office are functioning to implement ideas and scientific developments, research results and effective project management.
At the university, 48,067,837.3 tenge was spent on the development of NLC.
As one of the oldest and strongest scientific schools of the republic in the field of architecture and construction, the origins of which were famous architects T.K. Basenov, M.M. Mendykulov, teaching staff of KazGASA actively participate in research, there is a tendency to increase the number among young researchers under the age of 35-40 years (36.1%).