Every year, teachers submit applications for participation in competitions for grant funding for research on basic and applied research, research on international EU grants.
In 2015-2017. 3 scientific projects were carried out under the Global Fund “Development of architectural and planning solutions for processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Almaty agglomeration” (headed by G. Abdrasilova); “An architectural and art history analysis of the petroglyphs of Semirechye and Southern Kazakhstan of the Bronze and Early Iron Age” (headed by S. Galimzhanov); “Development of technology for a new porous structural and heat-insulating material based on local clay raw materials” (headed by Ibraimbaeva GB).
From 2018 to the present, a scientific research of the State Fund “The Art of Sovereign Kazakhstan in the Context of National Identity” has been carried out under the supervision of Dr. Arch., Prof. Galimzhanova A.S. in the amount of 20,0013,449 thousand tenge.