The research activity in KazGASA is aimed at the development of fundamental, applied, search (initiative) research and experimental design work, including in innovative areas.
The most important aspects of university policy in this area are the integration of scientific and production activities with the educational process, the intensification of the research work of the faculty and researchers and their integration into the world community, the creation of the necessary infrastructure.
Monitoring and analysis of domestic and world trends in the development of science in the specialized scientific and educational areas of the university is regularly conducted, motivating conditions have been created for the involvement of teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and university students in research work.
Over the past 5 five years (2015-2020), more than 300 research and development efforts have been carried out.
In 2019, 39 contractual studies were conducted in priority areas of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of more than 52,000.0 thousand tenge, a tender for public procurement of 2500.0 thousand tenge.
In the 1st quarter of 2020, 14 research works of 30,542,026.50 thousand tenge were carried out.