Suleymenova Kymbat Kasymovna – Acting Director of the College of architecture and construction at Kazgas, e-mail:, ph.: 7 (727) 220 80-74 Internal (1110)
Nusipaliev Nurzhan Serikovich – Deputy Director for external relations and student Affairs of the College of architecture and construction at KazGASA, master of pedagogical Sciences, e-mail:, ph.: 7 (727) 220 80-74 Internal (1149)
Musatayeva Madina Yermekovna – Deputy Director for academic Affairs of the College of architecture and construction at KazGASA, master of pedagogical Sciences, e-mail:, ph.: 7 (727) 220 80-74 Internal (1112)
Nukeeva Akmaral Makhambetkyzy - Chairman of the methodological Council of the College of architecture and construction at KazGASA, master of pedagogical Sciences, e-mail:
Umarova Aizhan Aidarovna - Secretary-referent of the College of architecture and construction at KazGASA, e-mail:, ph.: 7 (727) 220 80-74 Internal (1113)
Shamshieva Altynkul Tukenovna - master of industrial training of the College of architecture and construction at KazGASA,