Methodological work
Methodological work


The methodical work of the educational institution is the basis of the manual for the preparation of all educational and methodical documentation of teachers.

The work of the methodical council of the college (chairman of the MC) consists in the following: drawing up the plan of work of the methodical council, holding meetings of methodical seminars of the MC (according to the plan of work of the MC and the schedule of methodical seminars, open lessons and master-classes, lectures with producers, author's seminars), drawing up protocols and monthly reports, control of the work of those responsible in fields.

Methodological problem of the college: "Improvement of the educational process based on the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process in the preparation of a highly professional specialist".

The teachers of the College make up the Educational and Methodical Complex of Disciplines (EMCD).  It includes: a standard program, a working program, calendar thematic plans, MMS (map of the methodical support), a database of test tasks, a database of examination questions, hand-outs, the criterion of the midterm grades, methodical instructions.

CTP of teachers is composed to the level system according to the regulations of the university.

- systematize educational and methodical work.          

- to create folders of accumulation material on the decisions made in the protocols of the Pedagogical Council, Methodological Council.

The process "Methodological work and innovation activities" is one of the main components of the Strategic Development Plan of the College for 2019 - 2030. The main target orientation of the methodological service is to ensure the connection of the college with the pedagogical science, the experience of teachers from other colleges, the understanding of the social order of society and the labor market. Thanks to the systematic work of the college methodical service is constantly held seminars and training sessions. Teachers and masters of industrial training take part in citywide and national seminars and conferences, and publish articles on topical issues of professional education in methodical collections and periodicals.

Methodological service directs creative activity of teachers on rational use of modern forms and methods of training, means of activization of cognitive activity of students. In the methodological arsenal of teachers such forms and methods of teaching as: work in pairs, the organization of discussion in small groups, brainstorming, experiment, excursion, situational tasks, projects, case studies from practice (case study), business games, technology for critical thinking, lessons, conferences, lessons, disputes, lessons, dialogues, as well as using the resources of interactive equipment.

International scientific and practical seminar

"Interdisciplinary integration in the implementation of the competence approach in the era of globalization"

On November 22, 2019, the branch of JSC "NCPC " Orleu", the Institute of Innovation and additional education and the College of Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering held an international scientific and practical seminar "Unified integrity of inter-subject relations in the implementation of the competence approach in the era of globalization". The seminar was held in the following sections:" Formation of subject and personal competencies of students in teaching social disciplines", "Implementation of inter-subject connections of natural and mathematical disciplines", "Language and culture in the context of globalization", "Inter-subject connections in the education of architecture, design and construction in the context of modern theory and practice".

The seminar was also attended by Joseph Uiliam from the University of Manchester and Ayshe Iyldiz from Turkey, who expressed their gratitude for the invitation to the international level seminar. They shared their views, discussed many issues and shared their experience.

After the opening of the international scientific and practical seminar, the guests attended open classes and master classes of College teachers. The teacher Karybayeva G. A. held an open lesson in English on the topic "Abai Kunanbayev is the greatest poet, thinker and philosopher", the teacher Boribay B. I. held an open lesson in the Kazakh language on the topic " Тұрақты тіркестер: Адамның мінез-құлқы ".

Teachers of professional disciplines also held their master classes in the specialties "Architecture", "Design", "Construction". Smagulova L. A. - " Scrapbooking. Material: paper", Sataev N. K. - "Mosaic. Materials: mosaic, ceramics, plastic, glass", Omarkulova I. T. and Aibakhunova N. M.- "Master class on modeling of individual housing", Pralieva G. Zh. - "Master class on REVIT, LIRA".

Plan of the Methodical Council’s work of the College at KazGASA for the 2019-2020 academic year