Graduates of the College of Architecture and Civil Engineering at KazGASA
Modern life makes high level requirements of professional training of a future specialist. For successful employment and career development, today on the labor market, such personal qualities as purposefulness, professional competence, and sociability are important. The College at KazGASA in order to facilitate the employment and temporary employment of graduates sets itself the following directions of activity:
1. Employment monitoring of college graduates: creating a database of graduates, collecting information on the professional employment of graduates;
2. Promoting the employment of graduates and temporary employment of college students (student construction teams, etc.), assistance in adapting to the labor market;
3. Providing information on supply and demand in the labor market: counseling on employment issues, training in receptions and communication skills with employers;
4. Career guidance activities: organization of student participation in information fairs, job fairs, etc.
Each year, the number of graduates is 343 people, 197 of them are majoring in Architecture, 65 are majoring in Design, 81 - in Construction and Maintenance of Buildings and Structures. The average percentage of employment in college rates is 98%.
After completing their studies at college, students, who wish to continue their education in the undergraduate program study in reduced programs for the relevant specialties and directions in the IEC (KazGASA).