Blog of the director of Сollege of Architecture and Civil Engineering at KazGASA
Suleimenova Kymbat Kasymovna
Director of the College of Architecture and Civil Engineering at KazGASA, candidate of historical sciences, d. docent
tel.: +7(727) 220 80-74 (1110)
Hello, dear visitors of our site!
I am pleased to welcome you to my personal blog!
For more than 20 years our College at Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering has been training specialists of technical and vocational education in the field of architecture, design and construction in accordance with the needs of design and construction companies, design studios, advertising agencies, organizations in Almaty and other cities of Kazakhstan.
Getting a secondary vocational education at College is the main goal of education, but not the only side of student life.
A special atmosphere has been created in the college, which contributes to the harmonious development of a personality and the realization of the potential of future builders, architects and designers, and increases their level of professional culture.
Students of our College take an active part in international professional skills contests, «World Skills», «ProfMasterOK», exhibitions of applied and artistic art, and sports events.
We are waiting for you, young, creative and purposeful! The specialties of our College are a guarantee to be always in demand and competitive in the era of modernization of the developing market economy.