Methodological work


The main objectives of educational and methodical work of the faculty are: continuous improvement of the organization of the educational process, development and implementation of new effective teaching technologies, detailed analysis and synthesis of the achievements of existing educational systems in Kazakhstan and abroad, improving the quality of training of highly professional, competitive specialists.

Leads and directs the methodical work of the faculty Candidate of Architecture, Priemets Oksana Nikolaevna.

 Functions of the Faculty Methodological Council and the ongoing work of the CPS:

  • analysis and synthesis of the pedagogical experience of the leading teachers of the faculty, development of recommendations for the introduction of new teaching technologies, improvement of methods for all types of training sessions, the use of computer equipment and other technical means of education, analysis of their effectiveness;
  • organization of mutual visits of lecture and practical classes by the teachers with the purpose of training young teachers in the methods of teaching and time allocation of the training session;
  • development of new technologies of education and professional training of specialists taking into account the tendencies of society development and perspectives of science and technology development;
  • discussion and recommendations on the publication of teaching aids and educational and methodical literature developed by teachers, as well as materials to improve the independent work of students, active handouts, video presentations by type of classes;
  • developing methods for monitoring and managing the quality of students' training at all stages of education, and forming a collection of comprehensive qualification tasks;
  • control over the preparation and approval of the working program, active handouts, maps of methodological support of literature and other methodological issues of teaching activities of the faculty;
  • communication with the Methodological Council of the Academy.
  • liaison with the Council of Experts and Customers.

  The staff of the faculty carries out great scientific and methodical work:

  • The leading faculty members of the faculty participate in the work of the UMS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (educational and methodical section of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), are the authors of the SESR.
  • The teachers of the faculty are the authors of textbooks and teaching aids, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of RK:
  • participate in the organization of methodological support of practices, course and diploma design;
  • develop test questions and tasks for all disciplines of construction specialties for exams, intermediate ratings, as well as for certification of graduates, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • develop maps of methodological support for each discipline, taking into account scientific and methodological literature in the field of new modern technologies;
  • participate in the review of educational and methodical literature, in the holding of the fair for graduates, in the creation of innovative curricula at the level of international requirements, search for locations for all types of practices with the involvement of the Council of Customers and the expert commission under KazGasASA (IOC).
  • publish scientific results of work on problems of higher education in periodical scientific press, in materials of scientific and methodical conferences, in educational and methodical collections and manuals;
  • annually take advanced training courses in various project organizations, improve the level of English and modern computer programs
  • in 2020 the leading professors of the faculty in close cooperation with employers and experts developed the Professional standard: "Architectural and town-planning works".

For the autumn semester 2019-2020 the Department released:

- 10 textbooks, 1 monograph

- 2 methodological guidelines

Using innovative methods and forms of learning in the learning process 2019-2020

Architect Rainer Makhlamyaki «Modern Finnish architecture of 1920-2020


Plan of publication of educational and methodical literature for 2019-2020 academic year